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The Best Things About Indian Cultuture

India is a country that has preserved its heritage and culture. The confluence of various religions has blessed India with a tradition and culture, the vibrancy of which creates a mystic atmosphere and leaves tourists spellbound when they come to India. One can easily find traces of various forms of music, architecture, dance, languages, festivities, customs, cuisine and traditional beliefs in the country.

India is rich in culture and diverse in the same way. It has a uniqueness of its own. Indian culture is arguably one of the oldest in the world and all across the country there are tremendous impressions of cultural heritage. The northern, southern, northeastern and other parts of the country all have their distinctive cultures and each of the states have carved its own cultural uniqueness. India, a vast country, and has a variety of climatic conditions and geographical features. Besides, it's the home to the most ancient civilizations of the world.

India is a land where every corner is evident with the greatness of art and craft. The traditional quintessence of Indian art and craft can be seen even in the daily used objects like earthen pots, mugs, bed-sheets or any such things. The objects are created with a great creativity that portrays magnificent work of art. That is what Indian art and craft industry is!

It is difficult to find a culture in the world just like one residing in India because Indian culture is totally different from most of other cultures in the world. Each culture has some features that are different from others and that only make them differentiating from others. In case of a culture in Indian, almost all aspects are different. There are different traditions and different rules to act in a society. The societies are packed and have class system which does not adhere to basic human rights.

Indian paintings and sculptures have had great contribution to Indian culture and heritage. It flourished in India from very early periods and broadly divided into two parts one is mural and another one is miniatures. Paintings carved on the walls of Ajanta and Ellora are the finest example of murals. Miniatures paintings are the one those executed on a perishable material. Rajasthani and Mughal paintings especially noteworthy.

The cultural system in India was prevailed on whole of subcontinent but after other religions have started pouring into Indian subcontinent, most of the new things appeared and adopted by people who were not feeling good while part of the Indian tradition. Some societal segments remained uninterested in this culture due to reason that there was no any clue for them to effectively be part of culture and its attributes.

Indian culture is an old and traditional type of culture with most of the sub branches and sub cultures that only differ by language and some other features.Sampath Kumar provides the best knowledge about above discussions. To know more about Indian traditions @         

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