Health & Medical Self-Improvement

For Most People It"s Already Too Late by the Time They Realize It"s Too Late

I got another group invitation the other day on Facebook.
Nothing new, some I join, some I don't, maybe just like you.
But the name of this group is "12 years of school 4 years of college then work...
til I die.
" Even the avatar really takes the cake, if a picture is worth a thousand words-it's a baby with his mouth wide open in a perpetual scream, tells the story of a million lifetimes.
We've all probably heard this scenario at some point, "you've been told you have (fill in the blank) it's fatal and you only have (fill in the blank) left to live, what would you do with the time you have remaining?" Many people would probably really start living for the first time in their lives and that's the shame of it all.
Well our best & brightest minds have not been able to determine how to accurately predict exactly when it is you or I may die, they have reached a consensus on this point...
"Life" is 100% fatal.
Well if that don't beat all-someone finally figured it all out.
So, what are you waiting for? I can remember a super bowl commercial from a few years back, which featured children in adult clothes in offices & cubicles.
One of the kids says, "When I grow-up I want to be stuck in middle-management.
" I suspect it didn't play because it was too frighteningly shocking for far too many people.
The real issue may not be that you gave up on your dreams goals and aspirations, it may simply be that you don't have a plan to reach them.
May be you feel (like I did for years) that you're not worthy of having BIG dreams come true for you.
I don't profess to know what song is playing in your head, but you can change the station anytime you want.
Look if you're really worried about how people are going to feel about your success, I'll tell you.
Some of the closest people to you will resent you, some of the closest people to you will be happier for you then you are for yourself.
What about everybody else? Exactly! Understand people who suffered under the delusion that a college education & a good job were all they needed to keep them from economic ruin are losing their homes left and right.
I'm not attempting to make light of anyone's turmoil, but most formal education is not designed to help people be anything more then cogs in the machine-the "Matrix" as I like to call it, and it is very real.
As a famous NY Times best-selling author frequently states, "For many people, life is a struggle due to lack of financial education.
" I learned from my parents the value of hard work, perseverance, faith and belief.
I also learned from them how to recognize when what you're doing is no longer serving you or helping get to where you want to go.
All of these values allowed me to see that I'd much rather fail at working for myself then succeed at working for someone else.
I get presented with opportunities every single day, not to mention the ideas that flow to & through me.
I can evaluate everything and work on the projects I choose instead of what someone wants me to do-my choices honor me & in turn they honor my family.
Even time spent "working" is no cause for disharmony, since we have so much free time-everyday is like Saturday.
My wife & I do things on a Tuesday or Wednesday that most people can't even get to on their "days off.
" Last Thursday night for example we went to see a very popular movie.
We each had separate plans during the day, so we chose the last showing, since we didn't have to get up early the next morning and we had the whole theater to ourselves-it was like a private screening.
Four days later she still can't believe we were the only two people in the movie theater.
Having the ability to set your own schedule is freedom.
To be able to pick the projects you want to give your time and attention to is freedom.
Not having to worry about what things cost, but rather how the experience will add value to your life is freedom.
We don't have health-care cost issues, we don't complain about how much we pay in taxes, we're not concerned about how my parents are going to make ends meet as they get older and we become more instrumental in their care.
These are not issues for us because every economic cycle brings opportunity but only for those who are educated in understanding how to evaluate them.
"Go to school, get good grades & go to work for a stable company," that long stale advise of generations past needs to permanently laid to rest.
There is no security in working for someone else.
The only security comes from waking up in the morning and looking at the boss eye to eye in the bathroom mirror-That's what dreams are made of; don't wait until it's too late to find that out for yourself...
Design your dream life-then GO live it!

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