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Will You Join the Growing Concerned Band of People Who Are Praying for Real Genuine Revival?

What is God's full intention for this world of ours? What are the characteristics of God's reign in our lives now? How might that reign influence and affect the community around us, because we are living in dire days when people are hurting and when people are very good and lever at covering up their hurts and pains and wounds? Can a barren dry desert become fruitful? Yes, it can.
Can those who are spiritually impoverished be rescued and refreshed and renewed by the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God? Yes, all this is possible! Over these past weeks I have been reading and about revival and studying this who area of Revival although there is much more to be done.
Over these past years we have seen faith's dying embers burst into flame.
This is being written just days before another Pentecost season when we remember how Jesus Christ poured out the Holy Spirit and birthed and launched the Church in a most unusual manner.
We read of that in the book of Acts in Chapter 2, but it happened and whenever new believers came into the Church of Jesus Christ similar experiences were repeated.
We read of these in Acts Chapters 8 and 9 and 10 and 19.
For these various individuals, and groups of men and women, they were tasting something of what Revival really is.
Quite simply Revival means "to wake up and live".
Revival means life at its best, and life in all its fullness, and life abundant, and life overflowing with the grace and power of God.
And yet, it even means something more than all that.
We sense something of what is spiritually real and there is that awareness of God.
Psalm 72 speaks of God, and how He will endure and reign and rule and deliver and take pity and rescue.
Read Psalm 72.
Isaiah Chapter 35 speaks about the barren desert becoming fruitful, as water gushes forth and as streams flow.
Times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord and that can be towards an individual or towards a community.
I hesitate to say 'nation' because I am not aware of a nation being transformed by a Revival, biblically speaking.
I await your comment regarding that.
It has been taught that there can only be Revival where there is life to revive, and to a degree that is true.
But of course, that new life influences and splashes people around us in various ways.
Some will become thirsty and others will be infuriated, and we know who is behind that! We need to remember that.
If Almighty God should revive the Church and influence thousands or millions of people and if bad laws are quickly reversed and morality challenged there will be those who will undoubtedly be most displeased.
Why do you think Jesus Christ was crucified? Revival touches those who want to be touched and touches those who do not want to be touched by God, and I have no explanation for that.
Revival can be a wonderful and wondrous season, and also a season of great misunderstanding and even attack.
There comes that season when God works with man and within man, and Jesus breathes upon us and into us anew and afresh and Jesus breathes that breath of life.
Psalm 85 tells us that when people are revived, God's people rejoice in God.
Just as we need sleep to refresh us physically, we need the Spirit of God to renew and revive and refresh us, spiritually.
There is another lesson we need to recall and remember when dealing with can be an emotive topic.
Sixty years after Pentecost there was lethargy and apathy and indifference in the Church of Jesus Christ and Jesus had to write these seven letters in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3.
The challenging word to the Church at that time was to repent and return.
Is it not true that the major reason for spiritual lapse is rooted in the desire for independence? We want to be independent of Almighty God and we want to depart and run from God's holy Word.
In Isaiah Chapter 53 and at verse 6, the prophet Isaiah teaches us that our natural tendency is to go astray and turn away.
Our fallen state makes us fall away and even run away and hide, and that can take all kinds of forms, but it also flows from that desire to for independence from God and to live apart from what He has said.
Is that not why we are in such a predicament in so many situations in these present times? In the book of Daniel, at Chapter 4, the king came to realise that he needed God and he needed people.
We need God and we need people and we need to belong.
We need to know that others rely and depend upon us and that comes over so clearly in the book of Acts and in the letters of the New Testament.
Many are looking for and praying for Revival.
Will you join me, along with others, in this great need when so many are wounded and hurt and in pain and darkness and who are unaware of the help and healing and strength and forgiveness which flows from Jesus Christ the Saviour?

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