Home & Garden Architecture

How to Make Cubicle Shelving

    • 1). Measure the wall length and height where you want to install the cubicles, using measuring tape. Only measure the area where you want to place the cubicles if you wish to leave part of the wall open. This is to make sure the shelves installed will fit properly. Write this measurement down.

    • 2). Divide the height of the entire structure you want to make by the height of each cubicle you want to add. For example, if you have a total height of 6 feet and you want each cubicle to measure 2 feet, you would end up with 3. Multiply the number you calculate by the number of shelves you want to use. For this example, you would multiply 3 by the number of shelves, say 5. This means you will need 15 feet of 1-inch by 12-inch wood paneling for the shelves.

    • 3). Mark the width measurement from Step 2 onto each 1-inch by 12-inch paneling. Cut each piece of wood with a miter saw to the desired length. Cut the 1-inch by 12-inch wood pieces using the height measurement from Step 2 so the shelf is cut correctly and your cubicles will be the desired size. Finish cutting each piece of divider using the width measurement.

    • 4). Affix the cubicle pieces together. Mark the area where the shelving will go with a laser level and pencil. Nail each 1-inch by 1-inch framing piece to the walls, using a hammer and 2-inch nails or a nail gun to secure the strips. Heavy nails will split the wood or damage the wall. Use a stud finder to see if you can hit a stud for extra support in the wall.

    • 5). Place the divider boards between the shelves, making sure they are evenly spaced according to the width measurement of each cubicle. Apply wood glue to each end of the divider that touches the shelving. Nail the dividers in place using the nails or nail gun. Allow the wood glue about 2 hours to dry before placing any items in the cubicles.

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