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How to Prepare Galvanized Steel for Painting

    • 1). Wash the steel with a water-based alkaline cleanser solution. It is important that the cleanser is water-based as this is the only way to ensure that the cleanser does not leave behind any residue. The alkaline solution should have a pH rating between 11 and 12. For newly galvanized steel surfaces (2 days or less) this step should be all the prep work necessary before painting.

    • 2). Rub down the steel with the sandpaper using a gentle, even stroke. This will remove most of the galvanized finish and provide a better surface for the paint to adhere to.

    • 3). Wipe down the steel with a clean cloth to remove any dust or loose debris.

    • 4). Prime the surface with a paint that will serve as a "tie coat" between the galvanized steel and the top coat. Because the chemical makeup of each paint is different, consult with a paint expert of the paint manufacturer in order to determine the best paint to apply to steel. See the "Resources" section for a good reference for metallic primers.

    • 5). Paint the topcoat over the primer surface. Again, each paint is made differently so consult with an expert before applying the paint. Paint a small test area first to make sure the pain adheres properly. Allow the paint ample time to cure (curing on metal can take up to two weeks). Generally acrylic latex paint works well.

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