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Cheats for DBZ Sagas


    • Invincibility comes in useful when you are fighting an enemy with a limited amount of life. No matter how little life you have, your character will not die. As life depleted, the invincibility code will replenish life levels and keep them full for several minutes of game play. To use the cheat, press "Start" during game play, then select "Controller Options." Enter cheat code "Down X Select Start Right Square Left Circle Up Triangle."

    All Bonuses

    • Bonuses will give you an increased inventory of all available bonus items. You typically earn bonus items by completing missions before time has expired, or bonuses are sometimes given throughout levels of game play to reward you for reaching a particular checkpoint. To gain access to all bonuses, pause the game any time during play, and select "Options." Then enter cheat code "Up Down Up Down Left Right Left Right Select Start Select Start Square Circle Square Circle X X Start." This will unlock all bonuses, allowing you an increased inventory of all bonus items.

    All Upgrades

    • All upgrades will give you access to weaponry, armor and other tools needed to complete missions. You typically unlock better items as you complete levels of play, meaning you will not have access to the most powerful weapons or strongest armor until late in the game. To use this cheat, pause the game during play, then go to the "Controller Options" screen. Enter cheat code "Up Left Down Right Select Start Square X Circle Triangle." You will now have upgrades that would typically be unavailable in early levels of game play.

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