Home & Garden Gardening

Learn To Know The Best Conditions For Your Begonia, Geranium And Lavender Plants

So many of us when it comes to gardening will often chuck it in and see but to be successful in gardening it is best to know your plants and to know exactly what conditions your plants like and grow best in.

Some common annuals that prefer sunny and warm conditions include coleus, begonia lantana, also hibiscus, the fuchsia, begonia and succulents will often survive fine near windows with east or west exposures.

A heated greenhouse or solarium can provide good conditions and retain a temperature of between 60 and 70 degrees F, on the other hand if your plant needs sunny and cool conditions this can be provided in an unheated sun-porch or minimally heated entry hall, or even a cool greenhouse, these cool temperatures help prevent insect problems as an added benefit. The idea with sunny and cool is to keep plants from growing or growing very slowly most of the winter, providing them a rest period and so are low maintenance.

Plants that prefer sunny and cool winters are rosemary, lemons and silvery plants such as lavender, plants dropping their leaves may be a sign of too cool, or too much water, or simply adjusting from high light outdoors to lower light indoors.

Gardening is all about show, and to create a fantastic show with the geranium there are very simple guidelines. Grow on indoors for 2 4 weeks before planting out, and be sure to remember not to plant out until there is no risk of frost, if you are short of space to store your plants you can cover a tray with horticultural fleece and store in a sheltered spot in the garden.

Geraniums should be watered regularly throughout the summer, and maybe fed weekly, the ideal fertiliser is a geranium fertiliser. You can purchase all species of geraniums from garden centres and nurseries, look for healthy leaves and bright perky blooms, and of course there are many colours to choose from.

A handful of plants especially tubers (swollen roots) like dark and damp conditions dahlia, and canna being just a couple, also sweet-potato, the tubers need to be stored in a plastic bin or bag in a barely moist, not wet, material such as sawdust or peat moss. Pots of salvias and geraniums that normally need more light can have luck in dark and damp winters.

A spokesman for Blooming Direct a family run nursery located on the island of Jersey said it is a good idea to get to know about your favourite plants, this way you will have success every time. Our blog gives the gardener plenty of advice and we do stock a huge range of bulbs, bedding plants, shrubs, and trees, also a range of garden furniture for your outdoor space. A garden is just an extension to your home a place you can relax with family and friends, so why not spend time and effort to make it into something special. Remember all orders to the UK are FREE.

Get to know your plants and what sort of conditions they thrive in, every new gardener will make mistakes at first, but stick to the advice given to you by the experts and you will not go wrong.

For further information visit: www.bloomingdirect.com

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