Home & Garden Gardening

Indoor Grow Light Basic Overview

A grow light, which is, actually, an ordinary electric lamp, is of vital importance for the plants, since it ensures the process of photosynthesis by radiating electromagnetic spectrum, which resembles sunlight. Thus, using grow light, a gardener creates outdoor-like conditions inside the house. However, sunlight is bluish, as it has high color temperature; therefore, rendering index is usually used to check whether grow light is closely similar to the sunshine. 

What Light Spectrum Is Best For Plants

Light spectrum, required by plants, depends on the stage of the plants growth. For example, vegetative stage needs blue light spectrum; while the stage of plants blooming requires red–orange spectrum. A gardener can buy a specific light spectrum bulb, or there are also universal full spectrum lights suitable for different growth stages (for example, those made by Sylvania Grolux). 

To give optimal results the light should be supplied with a reflector and an electrical ballast to regulate and augment light emissions and current. This is done in order to make artificial light as much as possible similar to the natural daylight.

Types of Growing Lamps

High pressure sodium (HPS/SON) and metal halide (MH) lamps are nowadays the most popular and frequently used ones in the professional indoor gardening. They belong to high-intensity discharge lights. Metal halide lamps are mostly used for the initial (vegetative) stage of plants growth, as they emit bluish light along with ultraviolet radiation, which results in the increased production of plants elements, thus improving and strengthening them.

 Reproductive or flowering stage of plants growth requires the use of high pressure sodium lamps, since they hasten the growth rate. They are not suitable for the vegetative stage as this would result in the fast growing of too tall plants. Nevertheless, both types of bulbs are sometimes used by the gardeners for various plants growth stages with the additional reddish spectrum adjusted to the metal halide bulbs and bluish spectrum attached to the high pressure sodium lamps

Incandescent Grow Lamps

Incandescent grow lamps are used only to emphasize and highlight plants groups grown inside, as they have red-yellowish spectrum and low color temperature (about 2700°K). They are never used as the grow lights. The life span of incandescent growing lamps is approximately 750 hours. Furthermore, this type of lights is more energy consuming than other types, and the majority of the consumed energy is transformed into heat, not light. Higher temperature around the plants may cause the increased invasion of pests and insects, thus these lights are not the best options to use in the indoor gardening.

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