Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Get Week By Week Guidance Through Your Pregnancy

Excitement, trepidation and maybe even slight fear are all understandable emotions once you find out you're pregnant.
But, many of the negative emotions can be cast aside by getting the best professional advice and following a step-by-step guide through your pregnancy.
Indeed, getting solid advice from health professionals is the best way to ensure that your pregnancy progresses smoothly.
Pregnancy is traditionally divided into three stages, or trimesters.
The first trimester lasts until the 13th week of pregnancy, the second from 14 - 26 weeks and the final and third trimester from 27 weeks until 40 weeks.
Knowing what to expect during each trimester is important.
At the beginning of your pregnancy it can be very strange as you get used to this little person growing inside you, but it is inevitably very wonderful too.
Many expectant mothers are reluctant to tell friends and family of the impending arrival during this early period, but choose instead to wait until a few months into the pregnancy.
However, the beginning is when your baby develops and grows the most, so it's important to give due consideration to your diet and to keep healthy, even if you don't want to tell your family and friends just yet.
Many experts recommend taking folic acid supplements during pregnancy and it's very important to eat well and keep fit and healthy in order to maximize the chances of delivering a healthy baby.
Also in the early days make sure any medicines you may be taking are revealed to your GP, and if you opt for any over-the-counter medicines, then ensure that the pharmacist is aware that you are pregnant before buying any cold or headache remedies, for example.
Make sure that you make an appointment with a midwife before the 12th week of your pregnancy, as there are many tests and scans to organize.
Remember to discuss any concerns that you may have, and be aware that you never need feel lonely or confused during your pregnancy.
While you can't anticipate everything that will happen during your pregnancy, by enlisting the help of family and friends and perhaps even joining special interest website communities, you can benefit from the wisdom of women who have already delivered their babies.
By using a guide to work through your pregnancy week by week until the moment your baby is born, you will be fully prepared.
Advice on everything from drink, drugs and diet to whether sex is safe during pregnancy, or where to find quality maternity wear is available in a combination of professional guides and those who already been through the childbirth experience.

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