Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

The New Wife - False Allegations of Child Abuse by EX Wife

I was recently married this year at the end of July.
To a man that is by far the greatest man, other than my father, that I have ever had the chance to love.
With this relationship can 2 young daughters at the age of 9.
Both very bright and beautiful.
Unfortunately, I had no idea what I was bringing my daughter and myself into.
I realized with any divorce family there would be problems but I did not count of brainwashing from the Exwife.
Every other weekend that we would get the girls, it was always the same automatic arguing as so as they got into the car.
Within 2 seconds of leaving the apartment complex that they lived at, the one twin, we will caller Alisa for protection, was on her cell phone with her mother.
Talking with her for the next 45 minutes the whole way to our house.
As, soon as we reached home she would get off the phone and start arguing that she wanted to go home to her mother,k that she did not want to be with us and that she hated her father cause he would not let them and her mother move back to Illinois.
The rest of the weekend the twins would be hateful, disrespectful, and destructive to everything in our home.
Which might I add included my daughter, who is 3 years old.
2 months this went on and progressively got worse til one Friday night in October Alisa decided she wasn't going to do what her father I told her to do period.
I took her by the arm and put her in her room.
After a repeated "No" and talking back to me.
She some how managed to get our home phone and call the police telling them that I was abusing her.
The police showed up and investigated the alegations.
When the realized what she had done they dismissed the call and told Alisa to stop being a brat and do what she was told.
In the course of this Alisa had managed to get her mother on her cell phone and handed it to the police.
The police told Alisa's mother that we were in our right to do what we did as parents.
I think at this point the mother(we will call her Lynn) Lynn did not get the answer she wanted from the police so she called child protective services on me.
She was very smart not to claim I hit her children due to the police report.
She told CPS that I was beating my own child instead.
So here I am under investigation for a supposed child abuse that was reported by a woman that has never even met me or talked to me in person.
And though I have faith cause I have done nothing wrong.
I still live in this fear of losing my child cause of some vengeful B****.
I had no idea that marriage would be this bad this soon after the vows.
I should be on honeymoon stage but instead trying to hold my family together by a string already.
The sad part is my daughter who so badly wanted sisters and a father can not at this point have either cause of what lynn has done.
And Lynn will in the end, will not have to pay for any of her actions cause there are no laws against false accusers or Parental Alienation.

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