Make Him Fall in Love - Three Things You Were Never Told
Do you ever wish that you could peer into the depths of the male mind, and figure out just what it is that would make him fall in love? Does it ever seem that when it comes to love, men and women aren't playing by the same rules? Does it sometimes seem that they aren't even playing the same game? If your love life has stalled, this article will help you to get it started it again.
There are things you can do to make him fall in love, it's just that nobody has ever told you what they were - until now.
Men And Women Are Different You've noticed that, right? In which case, it's unrealistic, and possibly unfair, for you to expect a man to fall in love in exactly the same way you do.
The truth is, men take far longer to fall in love than women do.
There are various reasons for this.
On the whole, men aren't as comfortable with their emotions as women are.
Feelings make them feel vulnerable, so it takes a lot of time and trust before they can admit those feelings, especially to a woman.
Secondly, men need to see past the distraction of attraction - if his hormones are raging, it's difficult, if not impossible, for him to understand any emotional connection.
It may not be the way we'd like it to be, but it's a fact.
To make him fall in love, you need to see things from his point of view.
Help him to feel at ease with you emotionally.
That means plenty of listening, support and good old-fashioned friendship.
The Right Kind Of Attraction The second point follows on from the first.
Of course men like sexually attractive women, and to get his attention in the first place, you need to be sexually attractive.
That's much easier than it sounds.
If you look and act confident, you're sexually attractive.
Even if you don't feel confident, act as if you are - that will send out all the right signals.
However, sex actively prevents a man falling in love if you give away too much of it too soon.
Don't overwhelm any emotional connection by leaping into bed at the first opportunity.
Let that emotional connection develop, and then leap into bed! 3.
It's All Down To Timing Finally, the key thing to remember is that it all comes down to time.
He needs time to feel safe with you emotionally, and time for an emotional bond to form.
Ease off the pressure, and create the conditions that will make him fall in love, in his own time, and in his own way.
There are things you can do to make him fall in love, it's just that nobody has ever told you what they were - until now.
Men And Women Are Different You've noticed that, right? In which case, it's unrealistic, and possibly unfair, for you to expect a man to fall in love in exactly the same way you do.
The truth is, men take far longer to fall in love than women do.
There are various reasons for this.
On the whole, men aren't as comfortable with their emotions as women are.
Feelings make them feel vulnerable, so it takes a lot of time and trust before they can admit those feelings, especially to a woman.
Secondly, men need to see past the distraction of attraction - if his hormones are raging, it's difficult, if not impossible, for him to understand any emotional connection.
It may not be the way we'd like it to be, but it's a fact.
To make him fall in love, you need to see things from his point of view.
Help him to feel at ease with you emotionally.
That means plenty of listening, support and good old-fashioned friendship.
The Right Kind Of Attraction The second point follows on from the first.
Of course men like sexually attractive women, and to get his attention in the first place, you need to be sexually attractive.
That's much easier than it sounds.
If you look and act confident, you're sexually attractive.
Even if you don't feel confident, act as if you are - that will send out all the right signals.
However, sex actively prevents a man falling in love if you give away too much of it too soon.
Don't overwhelm any emotional connection by leaping into bed at the first opportunity.
Let that emotional connection develop, and then leap into bed! 3.
It's All Down To Timing Finally, the key thing to remember is that it all comes down to time.
He needs time to feel safe with you emotionally, and time for an emotional bond to form.
Ease off the pressure, and create the conditions that will make him fall in love, in his own time, and in his own way.