How to Get Pregnant With a Boy - Sexual Positions and More
Are You Trying To Conceive A Baby Boy? Many couples today would like to choose the sex or gender of their baby.
The good news is there are several things you can do to influence the sex of your baby.
First a little biology lesson! There are two types of sperm: the X Chromosomes and the Y Chromosomes.
If an X chromosome gets to the egg first the baby will be a girl and if a Y chromosome gets there first it will be a baby boy.
So far so good! Now the research shows that the Y chromosomes are slightly lighter and hence FASTER swimmers than the X chromosomes.
Or to put it another way boy producing sperm are faster swimmers than their girl counterparts.
But they cannot survive in acidic environments as long as the girl ones can.
So to give the boy producing sperm the best possible chance of reaching the egg first, you need to get them as close as possible so they can get there quickly and not be affected by the acidic environment.
So there are two things you can do: Firstly you can use a sexual position that puts the sperm as close as possible.
Secondly you need to reduce the acidity in and around the vagina.
This can be achieved by a low acid diet and also by douching.
You can check your PH (the amount of acid) with special strips - so you can monitor how you are doing! Sexual Positions To Get Pregnant With A Boy So as I've said you need to get those boy swimmers as close to the egg as possible.
Conventional wisdom is a rear entry position achieves exactly that.
Also trying the missionary position with the woman bringing her legs up onto her partners shoulders can achieve very deep penetration.
The good news is there are several things you can do to influence the sex of your baby.
First a little biology lesson! There are two types of sperm: the X Chromosomes and the Y Chromosomes.
If an X chromosome gets to the egg first the baby will be a girl and if a Y chromosome gets there first it will be a baby boy.
So far so good! Now the research shows that the Y chromosomes are slightly lighter and hence FASTER swimmers than the X chromosomes.
Or to put it another way boy producing sperm are faster swimmers than their girl counterparts.
But they cannot survive in acidic environments as long as the girl ones can.
So to give the boy producing sperm the best possible chance of reaching the egg first, you need to get them as close as possible so they can get there quickly and not be affected by the acidic environment.
So there are two things you can do: Firstly you can use a sexual position that puts the sperm as close as possible.
Secondly you need to reduce the acidity in and around the vagina.
This can be achieved by a low acid diet and also by douching.
You can check your PH (the amount of acid) with special strips - so you can monitor how you are doing! Sexual Positions To Get Pregnant With A Boy So as I've said you need to get those boy swimmers as close to the egg as possible.
Conventional wisdom is a rear entry position achieves exactly that.
Also trying the missionary position with the woman bringing her legs up onto her partners shoulders can achieve very deep penetration.