Health & Medical sports & Exercise

5 Leg Curls Steps to Develop Your Hamstrings

During summer, people want to wear shorts thereby exposing their legs.
Workout enthusiasts get conscious if their muscles do not look fit even their hamstrings.
The Hamstring often referred to as the hams or the leg hamstrings are the very large muscles located in the back of your leg.
Four heads of the Hamstrings include the hamstrings Femoris-long head, the hamstrings Femoris-short head, the Semimembranosus, and the Semitendinosus.
A variety of workouts are available to develop the Hamstrings but most of them also affect the quads, the glutes, and the lower back.
More meticulous body builders want routines that are more specific for a certain muscle group.
In-line with this, the Leg Curls routine was created to workout the Hamstring muscle specifically without affecting any other muscle group.
This means that it is more effective and the results are more predictable.
This routine can be performed either seated on the machine or face down.
Whether you use a hammer strength machine or cables, you need not worry because both are effective.
Take note that to increase the pressure on your hamstrings in this routine, try to reach your buttocks with your feet as much as possible.
To be able to achieve better results, just follow the 5 Leg Curls Steps to Develop your Hamstrings: 1.
Make sure that you are wearing comfortable clothes especially for the lower part of your body since it involves constant movement of your legs.
You can either wear shorts or loose jogging pants every time this routine is included in your specific daily program.
Before starting up the routine, do some stretching first to warm up especially your Hamstring muscles.
If you want a more specific warm up routine to prepare your Hamstring for the workout, you can always ask your gym instructor about it since without a proper warm-up routine, you cannot perform the process perfectly, therefore it will lessen its effectiveness.
In addition to that, warm up is also done to avoid any muscle injuries.
After you loosen up, go to your machine.
You can do this exercise on a machine called the Leg Curl machine.
Variations of this machine would be either the Lying Hamstring Curl machine or the Standing Hamstring Curl machine.
Commonly used though is the Lying type of the machine.
Get yourself acquainted with the machine first by locating where the support pads are and choosing your recommended resistance.
Make sure that you choose the lowest resistance level recommended for you if you try this out for the first time.
Gradually increase it after you have done the routine in a week or so.
Now, lie down on the machine with your face down and you have to extend your legs straight.
Put your legs in a position where it is under the support pads.
Hold on to the handles of the bench while you're curling your legs from heals towards your buttocks.
Take note to exhale while you exert, go full range and try to avoid jerky movements.
These steps, if done properly with your recommended repetitions will definitely give you a firmer Hamstring that would look very muscular therefore you can flaunt it anytime you want.

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