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How to Last Longer in Bed and Increase Stamina

All every guy wants to do is make his girl happy.
When she has a smile on her face then everything is okay.
A guy puts his girl's needs before his own all of the time.
This is why premature ejaculation is such a problem.
All a man wants to do is make his girl enjoy sex.
He wants her to get as much pleasure out of it as he does.
Premature ejaculation emasculates a man to his core and it takes a while for him to build his self esteem up again.
If you have premature ejaculation issues, then you know all about these feelings.
You feel like less of a man because you can't please the girl that you are with.
You worry that she is going to leave you because you can't satisfy her sexually.
You can make her happy with everything else, but when it comes to sex you fail every time.
Why wouldn't she want to leave you and find a man that can make love to her for hours? This is an issue that you really can't talk to anyone about because you are far too embarrassed to do so.
Usually your friends are great to turn to because they go through the same problems.
However, you know that they aren't having this problem because they are always boasting about how long they are having sex for.
All they would do is ridicule you and make you feel even worse.
There are some tips out there for you that can help you last longer in bed and increase your stamina without anyone knowing that you need help.
For instance, a great tip is to try switching up positions.
When you feel your orgasm approaching, stop and switch positions.
You will get a few extra minutes and this will increase your stamina.

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