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Niche Marketing - Why It Matters

Niche marketing is for many people the secret to successfully making money online.
Niche marketing, in short "targeting specific segments of people" allows you to succeed in a small arena rather than try and compete in a huge arena.
Why is this important? => The Dangers of Targeting Large Markets If you don't do niche marketing and instead choose to target a general market, chances are you just won't be able to build a successful business.
You'll be competing with people who've been in the space for years, even decades.
You'll be competing with people who've established a lot more of a name than you have, who've built up both credibility and relationships.
They'll have larger marketing budgets, larger customer basis, more staff and just about everything that someone who's just starting out doesn't have.
In short, you'll be competing against very experienced people who will make it very hard for you to accomplish what you want to accomplish.
=> What Niche Marketing is and Why it Matters On the other hand, by targeting a smaller niche market, you'll often be able to position your business or website as one of the top resources in that market.
Let's take iPhone GPS holders for cars for example.
A lot of people like to use their iPhones as GPS, but need something in their cars to hold their iPhone in a visible position.
Someone who isn't choosing niches well might try and create a site on "iPhones," which is a huge general market that would be nearly impossible to dominate.
On the other hand, a website dedicated to reviewing and selling iPhone GPS holders, a small but viable subniche, will likely be very successful.
Sure, you may only make a few hundred dollars a month from such a website, but your chances of being able to build many of these smaller successful websites rather than dominate an entire large general market is much higher.
=> Getting Started with Niche Marketing The basics of niche marketing are...
1) Find a niche.
Do this either by starting with a large niche and finding a small sub-niche within that niche, or just by brainstorming potential niches.
2) Research the viability of the niche.
Find out how much traffic the niche gets, how much competition there is and how much money you believe you'll be able to make in the long run if you got into the niche.
3) Execute.
Build the site and launch it as quickly as possible.
Start getting some traffic and then continually improve the site.
Niche marketing is what allows beginning internet marketers to jump into the fray and start making some money now, without having to compete with people who've been in certain markets for years.
If you're just getting started, start by finding and targeting a niche, rather than a general market.

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