Health & Medical Eating & Food

Low-chem, Biopesticides Can Help Protect The Land And Produce Healthier Food.

The twin problems of a global economic crisis and looming irreversible climate change have helped focus minds globally in the last couple of years.

Among many things identified in groping for solutions is the need to produce food in a more sustainable and less environmentally-damaging way.

Worries about food scarcity and food security are already key concerns in parts of the developing world and quite rightly thoughts are turning to how to improve them.

Part of the answer is for farmers to increase produce yield. But if in dash for growth the land they depend on is leached of all goodness thats only going to be a short term solution

So crucial to increasing yield for longer term food security is to develop sustainable farming methods.

From the US to Nepal across the planet theres increasing recognition of the issues urgency:

Heres an extract from a report by the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (established in 1991 to conduct agricultural research in the country to uplift the economic level of the people):

Pesticide use in Nepal is heavily concentrated in areas that have greater access to market, such as Terai and the Kathmandu valley.

There are as many indicators that pesticide use has been increasing in the past several years. This trend is likely to continue in future.

The pesticides that tend to persist in the environment can cause serious impact on environment and ecology.

Pesticide use is supposed to increase the agriculture production. But negative impacts do occur, especially if they are not used properly and judiciously. This has brought the chance to seriously endanger life and pollute the environment.

.and another from the Dec 2009 newsletter of the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions .

The region is facing stagnation or slow down of productivity growth rates, soaring food prices, increasing energy costs, diversion of area for biofuel production, consequences of the climate change and economic shocks.

The problems of the numerous and geographically dispersed small farm holders and other resource poor communities, who form the bulk of agricultural population, persist: low yields, low returns from farming, and inadequate access to resources and markets.

Natural resources, particularly land and water, are becoming scarcer and degraded. Addressing these complex challenges, with opportunities to harness many innovations, now require out of box solutions (technology, institutions, policies, and higher investment).

How bio-pesticides can help towards sustainable agriculture.

Sustainable farming involves a range of methods for both protecting the lands fertility and increasing crop yields.

One part of the process is to use Integrated Pest Management (IPM), combining a range of complementary pest control methods including chemical, biological, cultural and physical controls, host plant resistance, and decision support tools.

Bio-pesticides can make important contributions to IPM and help reduce reliance on chemical pesticides in the view of the UKs Royal Agricultural Society (working with Warwick University) for several years.

As part of a range of low-chem, biological agricultural products from pesticides and disease control through to growth enhancement their use contributes to less waste, higher yield, land quality sustainability.

They help reduce reliance on chemical and often have a narrow spectrum of pest activity, which means they have a relatively low direct impact on non targets, including humans. Their use is often compatible with other control agents, and they produce little or no residue.

This is what the CEO of one of the largest private sector groups researching biopesticides in the world, says: There are huge food security demands around the world.

He adds: Most of our products are certified organic and around five per cent of our business is supporting the organic sector. About 95 per cent of our business involves conventional farming. We are designing programmes to meet the need for safe, affordable food.

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