Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Attract Females With These 3 Strategies

Learning how to attract females is kind of like learning a musical instrument.
Without the proper teaching it can be difficult or almost impossible.
But with the right teaching and a little bit of practice you can really start to make something beautiful happen.
While growing up I thought that some guys just had it, and others like me would be stuck not dating anyone.
Fortunately I was wrong, some guys do have it, but the rest of us can definitely learn it.
All we have to do is learn the basics and start applying.
Here are three great strategies to help you learn how to attract females.
A person who smiles a lot shows off a lot of confidence.
Smiling is also something that spreads easily.
If you look at someone and smile they will smile back.
The thing to remember is to do it often, but not all the time.
If you smile too much you may seem creepy, or worse, like a stalker.
Always open up a conversation with a smile.
Eye Contact
This can make or break attraction.
Keep eye contact with a girl while talking, if you are in a group make sure to keep steady eye contact with everyone.
It shows confidence and leadership, plus it is considered extremely attractive.
During breaks in conversations staring at a girls eyes can create a lot of tension.
Go for it
The best thing to do while learning how to attract females is to act.
The more you sit around, the further you get from your goals.
You cannot achieve anything without action, and you need strong action at that.
If you follow these guidelines you will see improvements, and your life will start to change.
Make sure you keep them in mind when trying to build attraction.

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