Video: Different Ways for Children to Decorate a Pine Cone
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Christina Gavenda with, and today we're going to talk about different ways for kids to decorate pine cones. Your kids have big imaginations and get them involved in the planning. Let them look at the pine cone and discuss what they look like. Maybe from a certain angle a pine cone looks like a turkey to one of your children. So make a turkey. Or you can decorate it like a Christmas tree or you could just simply hang it with a bow. Remember the key when doing crafts with kids is to keep it simple and to have fun. One really easy way to decorate a pine cone is to decorate it like a Christmas tree. You can use simple little pom-poms and a glue gun. If you have small children you might want to man the glue gun on your own. If you have a couple of older kids who would like to try just use really good supervision. Take your glue gun and put a dab of hot glue on the end and then attach your pom-pom. Now here's your pine cone and what Christmas tree would be complete without a star on top. Then your Christmas tree is finished. A second idea is to take a pine cone and make it into a turkey. You can do this with just a couple pieces of paper, some scissors, and glue. Take whatever paper you're going to use for a tail and fold it a few times. And then I'm going to cut little darts in both sides to make it look like a feather. Next I'm going to cut out the beak and the waddle. To complete your turkey, use a hot glue gun to glue all the pieces on. Take the feathers and glue them to the back of the pine cone standing up. And next we're going to glue on the beak and the waddle. And that completes your turkey. And lastly pine cones are really pretty on their own. And you can make all sorts of hanging ornaments with them simply by gluing on a string. For this project we're going to use raffia ribbon. Cut a length that you think is safe, remember you can always cut it down shorter, fold it in half, we're going to tie a knot and then make a bow and then glue it onto the pine cone. There you go, your pine cone is done. What a wonderful decoration and so fun for your kids. And if you're worried about using a glue gun or don't have one at home you can always use regular glue. Just wait longer for it to dry. Thanks so much for watching, my name's Christina and today we talked about crafts with pine cones for kids.