Health & Medical Parenting

Pta Fundraising And The Best Online Ideas

We have all wished that checks would just appear in our mailboxes every day. What a way to start any day. If you have been able to make this happen, you deserve many a pat on the back.

For those of us that are not receiving those checks each day, let's be less self serving and apply this notion to your parent teacher association. Wouldn't it be terrific if checks just started showing up every day in the mailbox of your PTA or PTO. Let's take it a step further. Wouldn't it be great if these checks showed up in the mailbox without you having to work at it? Talk about a dream!

Amazingly, this is now possible. The world of technology has created many exciting ways for everything to get better and easier. And right in the middle of it all is the potential for some of the best new fundraising ideas that are online. Nowadays, you won't find checks in the mailbox. You will find email notices detailing deposits of electronic funds into your checking account. Trips to the bank are not even needed anymore.

How does this happen? You may or may not be aware that there is an enormous industry on the internet where commissions are paid just for making referrals. Online merchants of all kinds are gladly paying finder's fees to those individuals or groups that direct a sale to them. It is the age old business model that includes the middle man. If you can bring together a party that needs something with the party that can fill the need, everyone wins.

And how can your PTA or PTO get involved. You simply bring together your families who will always have needs for their children, with the online merchants that can fill their needs. All three parties will benefit.

We don't want to make you think it is an easy chore. Raising money has always been a difficult task that can only be accomplished with daily effort. Daily effort means offering time that most of us probably do not have to spare. It may be in your best interest to work with a vendor that offers a program where referrals can turn into donations to your parent teacher association.

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