Home & Garden Landscaping & Garden & Landscape

Care & Maintenance of an Above-Ground Pool


    • Health and safety concerns make proper care of the utmost importance. If someone becomes ill or injured due to a pool on your property, you may be liable for damages.


    • Water tends to stagnate more easily in above-ground pools, as there often are pockets of little or no water circulation. In order to prevent algae and bacteria from forming as a result, run a filter at least eight hours a day and clean the walls and floor with a soft brush at least once a week.


    • Keeping an above-ground pool properly chlorinated and sanitized is key for proper maintenance. Keeping a chlorine tablet in your skimmer, and following the packaging instructions as to use, is the most important step in keeping your pool properly sanitized. It's also important to check the water's pH level regularly and keep it between 7.2 and 7.6.

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