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Web and Hosting - Onsite SEO

Web and hosting is basically nothing without the search engines; they will crawl your site to see what is there.
it will then associate your site with the key words that you have embedded in the lay out of your site.
You will have lots of words on your site, most of the words are important for the reader, but some of the words are important for the search engine.
The trick is to get it right both ways.
Your site will have a particular theme, or be aimed at a particular Niche, You should read our other web and hosting articles to get a full understanding of this one.
You will now have to set your site up to be optimized for the key words that you have chosen, the way to do this is to write some high quality content informative articles that are based around your key words.
The best way to do this is to have a particular part of your given subject to talk about.
Once your web and hosting is set up you can simply upload your content to your site.
Or you can use WordPress and build your content onsite.
Either way the article is the thing that we are interested in.
You should try and make your article high in quality content and also have the key words that you have chosen to promote throughout the article.
You could Ideally have the keyword phrase in the title of the article and the first line.
The body of your article should have the keyword phrase within it from four to six time plus once in the last line.
This will give your article great relevance to the chosen key words.
You must take care to make the article of high content value.
you should be trying to promote some good clean systems and ideas to the reader.
The reader should feel that they have benefited from reading your article.
This will not greatly help with the SEO, but it is still an important part of the process.
You can spend as much time as you want setting your web and hosting accounts up, but it will all go to waste if you do not follow the correct steps to actually get traffic to your website.
Once you have completed your article, be sure to go through it and check it for errors.
Once it is acceptable you can then upload it to your web hosting account.
You should Repeat this process from 5 to 7 times or more.
this will give your web site a good base of content and some good relevance in the eyes of the search engine to the keywords that you have chosen.
This is not all there is to it and I advise that you read all of the articles on the web and hosting website before you decide to start taking action as it is always best to have a full understanding of something before you get too far into it and realise that you could have killed 2 birds with one stone or could have done something easier or better.

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