Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

How to Tie a Schminnow Fly

    • 1). Grip the hook in the vise. Start the thread at the hook eye and wrap it to the bend.

    • 2). Select a marabou feather and measure it to match the hook shank. Hold the base of the measured point on the hook bend and make 20 thread wraps to secure it on the shank.

    • 3). Cut a 10-inch piece of white crystal chenille from a spool. Hold on end of the chenille on the hook bend and make 10 thread wraps to secure it in place. Wrap the thread towards the hook eye and stop with a small gap between the thread and eye.

    • 4). Hold a set of black bead chain eyes on top of the shank at the thread. Make 20 figure-eight wraps to secure the eyes on the hook. Wrap the thread to the hook eye.

    • 5). Wrap the chenille around the hook shank until you reach the eyes. Make one figure-eight wrap around the eyes and stop the chenille at the thread. Make 10 thread wraps to secure the chenille. Cut the extra chenille off the hook.

    • 6). Make 20 thread wraps to build a slender thread head. Add a drop of instant glue to the head and cut the thread spool off the hook.

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