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How to Use Mind Control on a Woman - And Turn Her Into Your Love Slave With Covert Psychology Tricks

I am going to expose to you some pretty powerful dating and seduction techniques which will get you immediately ahead of 97% of all men out there.
Most guys think that in order to make women like them (and want to sleep with them), they would need to buy roses and treat them to expensive caviar dinners.
Hogwash, I say.
All you need is some super-powered seduction techniques which will make a woman surrender to you completely.
I am talking about MIND CONTROL techniques here, of course.
Read on to discover some really sneaky and highly covert ways to make a woman like you quickly using mind control - and transform her into your love slave who will obey your every (sexual) wish...
How To Use Mind Control On A Woman And Turn Her Into Your LOVE SLAVE Instantly! "Send Mixed Signals".
Here's the key to ultimate attraction - MIX both pleasure and pain and you will get a woman go totally bonkers over you.
How can you do this then? Simple - send out mixed signals! Be really passionate one day - and then totally cold the next.
Hold her hands while crossing the road, and then immediately drop it, saying, "Friends don't hold hands.
" Make her as confused as possible...
and she will come back for more! "Paint A Future Picture".
Compared to men, women tend to think for the long term.
Therefore, control her mind by making her IMAGINE a future with you.
How to do this? Easy - just ask her to picture a future event with you where she goes to an exotic place with you.
Then, make her describe the experience as vividly as possible.
When you do this, she will associate the "experience" with you...
and in the process develop attraction to you.

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