Games to Play at Teen Girl Sleepovers
- Try these slumber party image by Tammy Mobley from
Take a break from gossiping and movie watching to try some of these games at your next sleepover party. Plan a variety of games so that, if one proves less successful, you can move quickly to another game. Look for games that will get all the party guests to interact with each other in a silly, laughter-inspiring way. - Try these silly variations on traditional sleepover party makeovers. In the No-Mirror Makeover, each girl has to give herself a makeover without looking in the mirror. For an additional twist, try the Blind Makeover game, in which one blindfolded girl gives another girl a makeover. Turn this into a funny skit by having one girl sit in a chair or on a stool with the second girl kneeling behind her. The first girl puts her arms behind her back while the second girl slips her arms in front to do the makeover. This trick creates the illusion that the seated girl is simply giving herself a terrible makeover. Ask for volunteers to perform this gag, but don't require any unwilling guests to get made-over. Take pictures to document the hilarity.
- Write the names of celebrities, historical figures or movie or book characters on index cards. Tape one index card to each guest's forehead or back so that they can't see their identity. Have the group mingle for a certain amount of time. Instruct the guests to ask each other questions about their new identity and gather as many hints as possible. After the designated amount of time passes, ask each girl to guess her identity.
- Fill several bags with four or five items each. Use household items as well as silly objects. Divide the party guests into teams and give each team a bag. Teams then divide into different rooms to prepare a skit, song or television commercial with the objects in their bag. Teams gather together again after fifteen or twenty minutes and take turns performing their show.
- This game combines elements from charades, Pictionary and password games. Ask each girl to write down two or three nouns on separate scraps of paper, and place all the nouns in a bag or bowl. Encourage party guests to come up with silly or obscure nouns. Divide the party guests into teams of three or more. The first team selects a player to draw nouns from the bag and describe them to her teammates. The team gets one point for each noun it guesses within the time limit. Teams continue taking turns until each girl has gotten to draw and describe nouns. In round two, players have to get their teammates to guess the nouns by saying only one word. Round three requires players to draw the nouns, and round four to act them out. As the game progresses, players must remember the nouns from previous rounds to be able to guess more quickly.