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More Customers Come From More Moments of Truth

How do you find new customers or clients for your business? It's a question I often ask business people, usually because I'm hoping to learn something new.
The answer that comes back most often is - "Most of our customers come from word-of-mouth!" So my next questions is - "So what do you do to generate more word-of-mouth? I never really get an answer to that one.
There are many things you can do to generate word-of-mouth and I call them - 'Moments of Truth' It doesn't take much Some years back, I was running seminars for managers and customer service people from a UK bank.
I was having a chat one day with the manger of the hotel where the seminars were taking place.
We were discussing the participants on the course and he said - "These people are really nice, they are so easy to deal with.
" Do you think that this manager is a potential customer for the bank; you bet he is! And he could also have a positive influence on other people that he knows? That is a 'Moment of Truth' for the bank! What do people say about your business? People talk to each other about where they spend or invest their money.
Sad to say, customers are more likely to tell others about a bad experience than a good one.
However, they do talk about good service in a positive way, about the organisations they deal with.
What would they say about yours? Recently, I was running seminars for a software company.
I was booked by the General Manager; however, I remember meeting the Sales Manager on several occasions.
He was curt, unfriendly and somewhat dismissive.
Maybe he had no reason to be friendly with me; after all, I'm unlikely to be a potential customer.
However, I do move in business circles, and I even know some of his potential customers.
I'll let you work out the rest! - 'Another 'Moment of Truth.
' Everyday of your life you are selling yourselves.
Someone you or your colleagues talk to today, could be a future customer for your business.
If not; then they might know someone who could be.
How many Moments of Truth have there been for your business today?

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