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About the Advantages & Disadvantages to Web Surfing & Text Messaging at the Workplace


    • According to an article by Tory Johnson for Good Morning America, employees spend as much as two hours a day on personal emails and surfing the Web. The few minutes it takes to send a quick message or respond to an email is an advantage over employees huddling around the water cooler to catch up on last night's activities. Surfing the Web has become a common multitasking activity. Responding to a message helps an employee refocus and get back to work. While allowing employees to spend much of their work time using the Web can be counterproductive, allowing limited personal Web use can boost productivity.


    • While saving time is an advantage, the exposure to multiple unsecured websites is a strong disadvantage. Even the best Internet security can be compromised. It is easy to open the door to computer viruses when employees access unknown websites on the company system. The entire company system can be infected by responding to personal email from unknown sources with one click of the mouse. Companies now accept that employees will surf the Web on company time. The implementation of strong security measures to minimize the risk to company computer systems is a positive outcome.

    Attracting Top Talent

    • Talented young workers are distinguished by their excellent computer skills and Web research ability. They also view a job as a means to a comfortable lifestyle. Companies with relaxed policies on social networking and texting have an advantage over those who heavily restrict usage. Keeping up with the world by surfing the Web is natural to young workers who grew up with the Internet. Restrictions on Web surfing or text messaging during work hours send talented tech-savvy candidates searching for a more understanding and relaxed work environment.

    Policies and Consequences

    • While some workers can balance work and personal business effectively, others will abuse the system without clear guidelines. Clear Internet policies regarding texting and Web surfing during work hours are an advantage and protection for the company against chronic offenders. A disadvantage is time spent by managers monitoring employees' work habits and productivity; employees not only are taking time away from work, but managers often taken on the role of watchdog.

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