Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Reasons For Constipation

Constipation can really debilitate you.
You may not notice it at first, but when your bowel movement become more and more infrequent, the discomfort can really take its toll.
You can start to sense it when you have to strain more than you used to, when you are having a bowel movement.
People are different, so the reasons for constipation may be different.
Also, everybody has a different bowel schedule.
Some people go a couple times a day, while others go about 2 or 3 times a week.
So, you have to pay attention if your normal frequency is dropping.
The best analogy that I could think of is a tube of toothpaste.
You squeeze toothpaste out of the tube.
But when you are talking about digestion, when you have a bowel movement, nutrients and fluids are flushed out of your body.
But just like a tube of toothpaste can get clogged, so can your digestive tract.
This is usually caused by constipation.
One of the reasons for the constipation may be your age.
It's only natural that as you get older, you are going to get more backed up.
Once people start hitting their 40s, it becomes a lot more noticeable.
Obviously the kind of diet that you have is going to have an effect on you.
If you are not eating food with fiber, and just eating a lot of junk food, then it's only natural that your bowel movements are going to slow down.
Don't forget about exercise.
A sedentary lifestyle without any kind of exercise is a very common reason why constipation is such a common problem, nowadays.
Also, medications, if you are taking any, can be bad for the colon and your digestive tract.
If you are experiencing constipation and taking meds, make sure to ask your doctor about this.
No matter what, though, PLEASE do not ever take laxatives, like a lot of people.
Trust me, it's just not worth it.
You need a long term solution.

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