Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Kidney Stones Home Remedy Treatment

Kidney Stones HomeRemedy Treatment

Kidney stones home remedy treatment is painless, quick and cheap and it uses substances found at home on the kitchen rack. Most kidney stones are cured by using this home treatment and to our surprise without surgery and this treatment convert kidney stones into sludge or break them into tiny particles and flush them out through urine.


Persistent urge to urinate, pink, red or brown urine, sharp pain in the ribs, lower abdomen and groin, pain on urination, nausea and vomiting and fever and chills, if an infection is present may arise from combination of factors like dehydration, being a man, an adult and obese, family or personal history, certain diets, digestive diseases and surgery and other medical conditions.


X-ray, ultra sound, CT.scan, blood tests, microscopic study of urine, urine culture test, 24 hour urine collection and catching of passed stones at home are the techniques used inn diagnosis. Different types of stones such as calcium, struvite, uric acid, cystine and other rarer types are identified by testing the stones, urine test and blood test.


Surgical removal of kidney stones is painful, costly and not as quick in curing as home treatment. It does not work on all types of stones and does not prevent future formation of kidney stones.

Any one of the effective home remedies like fruits and vegetables with potassium citrate, asparagus, orange juice, lemonade, lemon juice, cranberry juice, green, citric acid and olive oil can be used as treatment to eliminate these stones from the eliminator.

Effective & Effortless Kidney Stone removal at home

If you know about Kidney Stone home remedies which could dissolve kidney stones quickly & can flush them out after dissolving it into sludge ,you can get rid of kidney stones in a day using this painless & effortless method.

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