Home & Garden Architecture

How to Build Wooden Mirrors


    • 1). Determine the size of the mirror you want to create. If you have a specific location in mind for your wooden mirror, measure the space available. Purchase the mirror and wood molding based on these measurements.

    • 2). Measure and cut your molding. Attach the miter box to your table saw and cut each one of the pieces on a 45-degree angle.

    • 3). Sand down each of the molding pieces until they are completely smooth.

    • 4). Stain the molding pieces. Apply a thin coat of stain to each of the pieces using your small paint brush. Apply multiple coats to achieve a darker and richer color. Allow the pieces to dry fully in between coats of stain. Follow the specific directions on the stain for best results. Rinse your brush thoroughly to avoid damaging the brush.

    • 5). Allow the pieces to dry completely, at least two weeks. For the last week of the drying process, place the wooden molding in the room where you will hang the mirror. This will allow the wood to adjust to the atmospheric conditions of the room before installation.

    • 6). Prepare your fast-setting epoxy. Follow the directions on the fast-setting epoxy when mixing it for best results.

    • 7). Attach the wooden molding to the frame. Apply a thin coat of clear fast-setting epoxy to the underside of the wooden molding. Press the wooden molding firmly onto the mirror.

    • 8). Secure the molding in place. Stretch a piece of painter's tape horizontally over the molding and onto the front and back of the mirror. Place several pieces of tape onto each edge. Allow the epoxy to fully set before moving on.

    • 9). Attach the picture hangers to the mirror. Use the fast-setting epoxy to attach the hangers to the back of the mirror. Place one picture hanger in each corner. If your mirror is large, place a third hanger in the middle. Allow the fast-setting epoxy to fully dry before hanging, approximately 24 hours.

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