Do Natural Acne Treatments Really Work?
Almost every day I see debates raging on internet message boards or in medical discussion groups over whether natural acne treatments really work.
Some people say that they are effective and useful, whereas others claim that they're just a waste of time and money and that conventional, pharmaceutical remedies are the way to go.
To help put this seemingly endless debate to rest for good, today I'm here to answer some of the most common questions I've heard about treating acne naturally.
Question 1 - Are Natural Acne Treatments Dangerous The answer to this question isn't a clear cut answer as it really depends on what treatments you're talking about.
Many people have expressed concern over raising their daily intake of Vitamin A as they worry that it could have a toxic effect on the body.
Whilst it is true that too much Vitamin A can cause damage to the body, as long as you don't consume excessive quantities of Vitamin A containing products you should be fine.
The same goes for any other natural acne treatment - too much of a good thing always leaves one wanting less! Remember to take it slow and if you experience any side effects, reduce your consumption.
If used properly then natural acne treatments are not dangerous at all.
Question 2 - Which Natural Remedies Work The Best After having tried many natural acne treatments myself, I have come to the conclusion that a combination of a diet low in sugar, refined grains and vegetable oils, along with plenty of water and supplementation with zinc, Beta-Carotene (a source of Vitamin A) and Vitamin B5 is extremely effective at controlling acne.
For getting rid of the inevitable few pimples that I get every week I use lemon juice, which contains citric acid, as a topical lotion with a great deal of success.
Question 3 - Why Are Natural Acne Treatments Better Than Natural Ones? There are many answers to this often asked question! Firstly, natural treatments do not contain potentially dangerous chemicals which may cause damage to your body in the long run.
Secondly, they are better for the environment, not just our bodies.
Many natural acne treatments are very inexpensive compared to pharmaceutical ones which is another major benefit too! After examining some of the most common questions on the subject of natural acne treatment, I hope that you are able to see that using natural remedies is an effective way to prevent breakouts.
Although there is some merit in using the pharmaceutical treatment options available today (especially in extreme cases of acne) I still feel that for the average acne sufferer, naturally treating their problem is the way to go.
Some people say that they are effective and useful, whereas others claim that they're just a waste of time and money and that conventional, pharmaceutical remedies are the way to go.
To help put this seemingly endless debate to rest for good, today I'm here to answer some of the most common questions I've heard about treating acne naturally.
Question 1 - Are Natural Acne Treatments Dangerous The answer to this question isn't a clear cut answer as it really depends on what treatments you're talking about.
Many people have expressed concern over raising their daily intake of Vitamin A as they worry that it could have a toxic effect on the body.
Whilst it is true that too much Vitamin A can cause damage to the body, as long as you don't consume excessive quantities of Vitamin A containing products you should be fine.
The same goes for any other natural acne treatment - too much of a good thing always leaves one wanting less! Remember to take it slow and if you experience any side effects, reduce your consumption.
If used properly then natural acne treatments are not dangerous at all.
Question 2 - Which Natural Remedies Work The Best After having tried many natural acne treatments myself, I have come to the conclusion that a combination of a diet low in sugar, refined grains and vegetable oils, along with plenty of water and supplementation with zinc, Beta-Carotene (a source of Vitamin A) and Vitamin B5 is extremely effective at controlling acne.
For getting rid of the inevitable few pimples that I get every week I use lemon juice, which contains citric acid, as a topical lotion with a great deal of success.
Question 3 - Why Are Natural Acne Treatments Better Than Natural Ones? There are many answers to this often asked question! Firstly, natural treatments do not contain potentially dangerous chemicals which may cause damage to your body in the long run.
Secondly, they are better for the environment, not just our bodies.
Many natural acne treatments are very inexpensive compared to pharmaceutical ones which is another major benefit too! After examining some of the most common questions on the subject of natural acne treatment, I hope that you are able to see that using natural remedies is an effective way to prevent breakouts.
Although there is some merit in using the pharmaceutical treatment options available today (especially in extreme cases of acne) I still feel that for the average acne sufferer, naturally treating their problem is the way to go.