Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Easy Ways to Become Pregnant

Having sex is the easiest way to become pregnant. There are many other factors linked to it as well. But regular sex is the best step in order to become pregnant right away. The timings of ovulation are often not understood by majority of the woman and they misinterpret them which decrease their chances to become pregnant. Couples try to have sex in the period then they think they ovulate but sometimes they don't know about the exact moment of ovulating. The better option is to have sex regularly which will ultimately increase the chance to become pregnant. In order to know about the exact timings of ovulation a woman should use ovulation prediction kit.  Moreover, by analyzing her body carefully a woman can estimate that when she will ovulate, as the body secretions become thick and whitish showing that the egg is ready to be discharged and the basal body temperature increase up to a degree making it easier for a woman to identify ovulation process which helps her to become pregnant. Couples should have sex before ovulation rather than having sex after it because the sperm can remain in the body of female for 3 or 4 days, in this time period it swims through the fallopian tubes to reach the egg. On the other hand, the egg remains alive for only 24 hours if the sperm finds the egg in this time period only then the fertilization occurs otherwise the egg remains alone and it is broken down into pieces and a woman will have her periods and as the result of it, the couple have to wait for the next month.

The use of drugs, alcohol and caffeine decreases the chances to become pregnant. These things should be avoided to become pregnant. The nutrients like folic acid are very important for pregnancy. Healthy diet should be maintained to achieve pregnancy fast. Moreover, a woman who wishes to become pregnant should consult a doctor for her health so that she can properly manage her diet chart to ensure pregnancy. The health of both partners is important for this process; male should also consult the doctor to improve their health. To enjoy love making is very important. Woman who truly indulge themselves in the love making are likely be the ones who have more chances to become pregnant because they are free from any kind of stress or tension. They enjoy their time with their partner and it has a positive effect on their body health. Regular exercise is also very important to become pregnant. A woman should exercise daily to keep herself healthy and fresh. Yoga releases the tension and mental stress so couples should practice yoga on regular biases to assist conception process.

The idea of getting pregnant expects that the male sperm should remain as close as possible to cervix. Moreover, it should stay inside vagina for longer time. The sperms have to travel a distance inside female body to reach the egg. They need to travel against gravity to make their way to egg, in this process a female should fully support the eggs by avoid standing or sitting up. A woman should relax in the same position for at least 10 minutes after sex so that the sperms can get enough time to reach to the egg. Furthermore, missionary position supports the woman who wishes to become pregnant. It allows maximum penetration which helps the sperms to reach the cervix easily. It is believed that if a couple is trying to conceive then they should have sex in the morning time because at that time the viable level of sperms in male in maximum at that time than any other time.

In some cases, a woman may become pregnant in a night while another woman may not become pregnant even after having several tries for a year. It totally depends upon these factors which are mentioned above that they don't a woman conceives, after following all the steps or instructions if the woman continually fails to become pregnant then she should consult a doctor. Moreover, males should also have their checkup done if their partner is not conceiving after trying or using all the necessary measures. There are certain issues which may restraint the couple from achieving pregnancy. With the advancement in technology, medicine and science has achieved a level through which doctors can suggest some test or methods to improve the conception or they may advice some other measurse to become pregnant.

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