What Vegetables Can Be Grown in Wood Chips?
- Mushrooms are successfully grown indoors, in boxes of wood chips.mushrooms image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com
Gardening is a joy and a natural reward for those who do it properly. An outdoor vegetable garden requires space, sun, water and soil for successful harvests. That soil can be replaced in indoor growing situations, and supplemented in outdoor growing situations, with the addition of wood chips. - Mushrooms grow successfully in any medium, as long as they receive the right amount of warmth and moisture. Fill a shoebox halfway with wood chips and purchase a mushroom culture at a hydroponics or home and garden shop. Mushrooms grow from spores rather than seeds and are only available as injectable cultures. Inject the culture into the wood chips, and put the box in a dark spot with a heating pad. Keep the box at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and spray the box with water once a day to sprout mushrooms from your wood chips.
- Tomatoes are a successful plant in hydroponic growing situations, which use wood chips as a possible foundation. Wood chips provide the functional support needed for the tomato plants in this system. Plant tomato seedlings in wood chips in a hydroponic system's planting trays, and purchase tomato nutrient solution at a hydroponics shop. This solution provides the nutrition a tomato plant would normally garner from the soil. Mix the nutrient solution with the water in the system and turn it on. Put the system in the sun. Tomatoes will thrive with the support of the wood chips and nutrients in the solution.
- Beans are bushes and vines that need good drainage and nutrition in their soil. Wood chips make soil loose and quick-draining, and also provide nutrition as they naturally break down. Mix half rich potting soil and half wood chips into your bean planting site and plant the seedlings. Water beans once a week, and turn the soil over once a month to assist in the decomposition of the wood chips.