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A True Account of Spirit Visits From a Past Life

A certain religious leader who passed from the world in the 1990's came to visit my wife in spirit form about a year and a half ago.
This spirit's presence came to my attention when I heard my wife say his name in a half awakened state.
She spoke the spirit's last name and title.
This spirit has a unique name.
I sensed the spirit standing right in front of me.
My Jack Russell did so, as well.
He was hiding behind my legs crying.
I immediately went to the Internet and confirmed this spirit's identity.
I discovered who this spirit was in life, and the church with which he was associated.
This person was an African American man.
I will not reveal his name out of respect for the surviving family as they may not want to know this information.
Additionally, it may not be in their best interest to know.
I began to research this disembodied spirit's genealogy.
It is my nature to seek out the truth.
In the past, my analytical side drove me to do this.
I have learned to be less focused on finding the "answers" since then.
I did find the information I was seeking; as I knew I would.
In fact, I traced this spirit's family tree back to this spirit's adoptive grandmother who was born in the early 1800's.
I did not give my wife this information as I knew this is something she needed to discover on her own.
During a lucid dream, my wife was visited by an African American man named "Sam.
" There were actually dozens of guides that made themselves known to her in this strange dream.
I verified this person's identity on rootsweb.
It did not surprise me that Sam (last name withheld) was the religious leader's adoptive Father.
I confirmed this information with my wife.
During a meditation circle at my former Spiritualist church, my wife was visited by an African American woman named "Mabel".
This woman turned out to be Sam's mother.
I keep referring to these spirits' race, because of its significance to the principle of reincarnation.
This spirit's name is relatively uncommon, in the sense that it is not a Mary or Michelle.
During another meditation circle, my wife discovered the exact name of the location where this church still remains.
Interestingly, the name of neighborhood where it sits was changed in the 1980's.
Months later my wife had a vivid dream in which her role in the lives of these spirits was revealed to her.
Apparently she was humanitarian of sorts to the residents of her community.
The influence of her generous spirit expanded to several states and multitudes of people.
Not surprisingly, my wife was greatly admired by the people she ministered to.
One Sunday as we getting ready to drive to the Spiritualist church, I received a mental communication that Mabel and her daughter "Violet" would reveal themselves to us during the message part of the service.
This particular service happened to be student mediumship message day.
The student medium who was giving the messages that day is perhaps the most talented and accurate medium I have ever encountered.
Her messages have been manifesting for me even as recent as the past two weeks.
This medium gave her messages in a different way back then.
She would say "I have a spirit named Howard here.
Can anyone take this person?" As I expected, this medium called out "I have Mabel and Violet here.
" Even though I was expecting this happen, I was truly amazed to hear her say their names.
Even though one may intellectually understand certain conditions about the spirit world, it is an altogether different matter when you experience it first-hand.
Unfortunately, Mabel and violet were unable to give the medium a meaningful message because my wife's grandfather stepped forward.
During this experience, I felt the need to investigate my wife's past life.
This unusual spirit activity was fascinating to me.
I wanted know why they had come into my wife's life.
As one could easily predict, my wife was not as eager as I was to explore this matter.
Eventually, I dropped this investigation as I had no more information to go on.
In the end, my wife realized that these spirits did not have an agenda in contacting her.
They came for no reason other than to tell her that she is loved by many, and to inform her that she has much to offer the world.

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