Technology Computer & Networking security

Strengthening Voicemail Security Guidelines for Your Office:

With the scandals that rocked the UK regarding leaked voicemail conversations, many firms now understand that there is a need to strengthen their voicemail security. They have now given directives to
their team regarding the proper usage of voicemail so that they would not be exposed to cyber criminals who are looking to hack into various voicemail accounts.

If your firm is in the process of strengthening their voicemail security, here is a set of guidelines that they should implement.

Selecting a high Level of encryption and security for their partners:
One of the methods that hackers use to listen in on your communication channels would be to decrypt the encoding and the security systems of the service providers. That is why it would be important to get partners who are able to provide a high level of encryption to their services. A good level of encryption would ensure that they would be difficult to crack.

When partnering with a voicemail security provider, the company should ensure that their provider is able to give them the best encryption possible. It would be better if the provider can actually have military grade encryption as this is considered to be the best option for deterring attackers who would want to try and hack your voicemail security.

Provide guidelines on proper voicemail usage:

Remember that no matter how tough your voicemail security system it is, it would still be prone to leaks and hacks if the users do not know how to properly utilize their communication channels. If your staff is careless in the way that they converse, or are not careful when it comes to protecting their actual handsets, then the information could still be revealed to unauthorized people.

That is why it would be best to provide guidelines as to how they should utilize the various communication channels. These guidelines could include the information that should and should not be communicated via voicemail, the length that a message should be kept in an inbox, when you should delete a message, and which members of the team would actually be given access to a voicemail system.

By ensuring that you have a good voicemail security infrastructure as well as educated staff or team members, you would definitely be able to have a strong voicemail channel. This can help ensure that you are protected from the attacks on voicemail and other office communication channels.

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