Family & Relationships Conflict

The One Mistake Women Make After a Break Up

A woman who is in a loving relationship with a real man will always make a fatal mistake if he'll break up with her: instead of letting go and moving on with her life, she will secretly hope that he will realize he has made a mistake and come back to her.
And she'll actively work at "helping" him have that realization.
The truth is that in the context of relationships, if you lose the connection, you lose it for good.
There's no such thing as temporary loss in this context.
And even if he comes back, he will not do it for the right reasons so things can't last for very long and you'll have a situation like the one described in the lyrics "we're one, but we're not the same...
"(U2 - One).
People stay together as long as they have more reasons to be with each other than to be alone or with someone else.
When a man decides to put an end to the relationship, he's usually doing it for very good reasons and you can't make him change his mind using words.
I often see women breaking-up with men and then looking for the "how do I get him back" solution.
Remember this: as long as you're still investing time, energy, thoughts, hopes and feelings fantasizing about your ex, you can't let go of what happened and move on with you life.
Does he ever come back for the right reasons? Well, are there any lucky people who win the lottery? The answer is yes, but really, how often does it happen? What are the odds? The truth is that it's a rare thing when a man who broke-up with a woman at his own initiative, comes back and stays with her forever.
Another truth is that most women secretly hope that he'll come back to her.
A man breaking up with a woman is an effect created by various causes that have to do with her and with his own unstable nature.
And since she doesn't know what these causes are and even if she knew, she couldn't change overnight, there's no way he'll come back to her and live "happily ever after".
Furthermore, some processes can't be reversed so if he lost his attraction for you there is nothing you can do to bring it back.
You can't make someone feel something like that for you after they lost that feeling.
So the real solution is to get over this break up as soon as possible in a way that doesn't leave you with the feeling that from now on, you have to lock yourself up in a fortress and never open up again in a relationship.

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