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How to Cut Wood for Fences

    • 1). Direct the miller to cut the logs into 1-inch-by-6-inch boards from around the perimeter of the tree. The tree is usually cut into 8-, 10- or 12-foot lengths before it is placed on the mill. Use 8-foot sections for fence pickets.

    • 2). Mill the center---the heart wood---of the tree into 4-by 4-inch post. The center of the tree is usually used for large cants or timbers.

    • 3). Mill part of the tree's center into 2-by-4-inch boards for the pickets to fasten onto.

    • 4). Mill the remaining material into 1-by-2-inch pieces for stickers. A sticker is a piece of wood of the same species that is used to space the lumber for drying.

    • 5). Stack the wood for air-drying until you are ready to use the lumber.

    • 6). Cut the corners of one end of the picket boards 1 inch in from the sides with a 45-degree corner cut to make a dog ear picket. Use a miter saw for this step.

    • 7). Trace a decorative end on the pickets and cut them with a band saw to create a decorative end to the pickets. Common decorative fence pickets include Gothic, French Gothic and French Gothic pointed pickets.

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