How to Hatch Wynaut
- 1). Restart "Pokemon Sapphire" and choose Mudkip, Treecko or Torchic as your starter. Defeat the first three gym leaders to obtain the Stone Badge, Knuckle Badge and Dynamo Badges. Travel through Mt. Chimney to reach Lavaridge Town.
- 2). Go to the PokeCenter and use the Pokemon Storage System to free one space in your party. Speak to the old woman standing near the hot spring. When she notices you are a Pokemon Trainer, she will offer you a Pokemon egg. Select "Yes." The egg will take up the free space in your party.
- 3). Avoid picking up eggs at the Daycare on Route 117. Do not hatch any eggs while trying to hatch the Wynaut egg. If you get or hatch more eggs, you will have to take about 255 more steps than usual to hatch the Wynaut egg.
- 4). Trade in the Acro bike for the Mach bike at Rydel's Cycles in Mauville City. Ride around Hoenn on your Mach bike. Since the Mach bike is faster than the running shoes, you will take the 5,355 "steps" faster. After you take 5,355 steps, Wynaut will hatch from the egg.