Is There a Secret for Getting Repeat Business on the Internet?
Most entrepreneurs are so anxious to sell something, anything, on their web site or affiliate site that they rarely pay attention on the importance of how to attract repeat business.
And very few people out there today provide the tools that teach you how to get it.
So many people are scrambling to collect the most followers and customers who they can only hope will become loyal customers, and they're also so consumed with searching for good products to sell, that they hardly consider how to truly cultivate the customers they already have, turn them into quality clients, and more importantly, how to keep them coming back.
In fact, many new business owners are often surprised when they can't get beyond one or two sales.
Instead, they move on trying to find new tricks to acquire even more potential new customers, often spending every penny they just earned on this or that new technique that promises to help them grow their list.
Many are missing the bigger picture.
Instead, to REALLY keep your customers as truly loyal, happy buyers who purchase from you time and again, there are a few really basic, simple techniques you can use TODAY to solve this dilemma and keep the cash flowing and growing.
Offer a QUALITY product Many customers complain that after a purchase, after they receive the product that was supposed to solve all of their problems, it often turns out that it didn't solve anything, and, was not really any different from other products they already own or have read about.
Or worse, the product didn't go into much depth and detail about how to address their needs and improve their current situation.
First, make sure that the product you're offering is both unique, fills a real need, and serves your customer to his expectations.
Quality is about meeting a need, completely.
It's not about figuring out how to quickly and economically write a 10-page document on how to keep your "dog from barking" and charging $30 bucks for it.
Quality is about having a product that far beats any other product on the market having similar claims.
Why do you think that for so many years people purchased foreign automobiles before they ever thought of buying the American counterpart? It's because for a very long time, the quality in American cars went missing.
Both foreign and American were cars, but one offered quality far beyond what the competition had to offer.
You need to be the business that offers something far beyond your competitors.
Quality is the best place to start.
Would you keep buying hamburgers from a company if they didn't stand behind their product and make it the very best out there? How about your shirts and pants, your home, the food you give to your children? The medicine? Think about the products you buy and how your customers too would want and expect the same quality you'd expect, especially if he's ever thinking of doing business with you again.
Create great SERVICE and FOLLOW-UP More often than not, once service is rendered, meaning your shopping cart or Clickbank has sent the item you're selling, that you may think the transaction is complete.
This is one of the biggest, costliest mistakes most Internet and brick & mortar businesses make today.
What's needed and expected by most purchasers (customers) is the ability to reach someone easily and immediately if they need further assistance (also known as Customer Service).
Few people will care that you've offered a 30, 60, or 90 day money back guarantee, because they all know, as we know, that the odds of someone returning a product is slim to none.
In fact, marketers for years have banked on this very notion.
Unfortunately, these same marketers or sellers don't understand why some businesses struggle so much.
Instead, why not be the best service to your customer by offering to stick with them through the learning curve, or even providing them with additional help materials.
Better yet, offer them an easy way to reach you (immediately) should they have trouble or questions about using their new product.
What most businesses fail to realize is that when a customer has an amazing experience, they will instantly recommend that positive experience to their friends and associates.
And they most certainly will tell others if they've had a negative experience.
Always think about the best ways to give them follow-up and follow-through service and support.
Keep REMINDING them your business exists By periodically following-up with every customer or client to determine how they are doing, you can also alert them to any current offers or new products you have.
Think of it this way.
If someone has a busy work week and a full personal calendar, it's highly unlikely that you and your business are going to be in the forefront of their mind.
However, through gentle, informational, useful, and consistent contact with them, perhaps offering some new information that is immediately useful to them, you're keeping yourself and your business happily tethered to them.
So when they are ready to purchase again or to refer someone, they will think of you first.
Burger King used to say that you may not go out and buy their hamburger the minute you hear the ad, but when you are ready to purchase, you're more likely to think of them.
Also, remember not to bombard them with too much information too often.
If you have too many things sent to them too often, you'll detract them rather than attract them.
It takes only a second to click the "Unsubscribe" button on an email.
So use your contact with them sparingly and wisely.
If you use and practice these simple techniques you are more than likely to: • Outsell your competition • Keep your BUYING customers loyal • Get better and more referrals • Have customers seek you out for their FUTURE purchases Make this routine part of your business practice and in no time you will see improvement and retention in your sales, your traffic, and your customer loyalty.
For more information keep checking in at http://www.
com and get your hands on a copy of the book Finish What You Start at Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, or Amazon, today.
And very few people out there today provide the tools that teach you how to get it.
So many people are scrambling to collect the most followers and customers who they can only hope will become loyal customers, and they're also so consumed with searching for good products to sell, that they hardly consider how to truly cultivate the customers they already have, turn them into quality clients, and more importantly, how to keep them coming back.
In fact, many new business owners are often surprised when they can't get beyond one or two sales.
Instead, they move on trying to find new tricks to acquire even more potential new customers, often spending every penny they just earned on this or that new technique that promises to help them grow their list.
Many are missing the bigger picture.
Instead, to REALLY keep your customers as truly loyal, happy buyers who purchase from you time and again, there are a few really basic, simple techniques you can use TODAY to solve this dilemma and keep the cash flowing and growing.
Offer a QUALITY product Many customers complain that after a purchase, after they receive the product that was supposed to solve all of their problems, it often turns out that it didn't solve anything, and, was not really any different from other products they already own or have read about.
Or worse, the product didn't go into much depth and detail about how to address their needs and improve their current situation.
First, make sure that the product you're offering is both unique, fills a real need, and serves your customer to his expectations.
Quality is about meeting a need, completely.
It's not about figuring out how to quickly and economically write a 10-page document on how to keep your "dog from barking" and charging $30 bucks for it.
Quality is about having a product that far beats any other product on the market having similar claims.
Why do you think that for so many years people purchased foreign automobiles before they ever thought of buying the American counterpart? It's because for a very long time, the quality in American cars went missing.
Both foreign and American were cars, but one offered quality far beyond what the competition had to offer.
You need to be the business that offers something far beyond your competitors.
Quality is the best place to start.
Would you keep buying hamburgers from a company if they didn't stand behind their product and make it the very best out there? How about your shirts and pants, your home, the food you give to your children? The medicine? Think about the products you buy and how your customers too would want and expect the same quality you'd expect, especially if he's ever thinking of doing business with you again.
Create great SERVICE and FOLLOW-UP More often than not, once service is rendered, meaning your shopping cart or Clickbank has sent the item you're selling, that you may think the transaction is complete.
This is one of the biggest, costliest mistakes most Internet and brick & mortar businesses make today.
What's needed and expected by most purchasers (customers) is the ability to reach someone easily and immediately if they need further assistance (also known as Customer Service).
Few people will care that you've offered a 30, 60, or 90 day money back guarantee, because they all know, as we know, that the odds of someone returning a product is slim to none.
In fact, marketers for years have banked on this very notion.
Unfortunately, these same marketers or sellers don't understand why some businesses struggle so much.
Instead, why not be the best service to your customer by offering to stick with them through the learning curve, or even providing them with additional help materials.
Better yet, offer them an easy way to reach you (immediately) should they have trouble or questions about using their new product.
What most businesses fail to realize is that when a customer has an amazing experience, they will instantly recommend that positive experience to their friends and associates.
And they most certainly will tell others if they've had a negative experience.
Always think about the best ways to give them follow-up and follow-through service and support.
Keep REMINDING them your business exists By periodically following-up with every customer or client to determine how they are doing, you can also alert them to any current offers or new products you have.
Think of it this way.
If someone has a busy work week and a full personal calendar, it's highly unlikely that you and your business are going to be in the forefront of their mind.
However, through gentle, informational, useful, and consistent contact with them, perhaps offering some new information that is immediately useful to them, you're keeping yourself and your business happily tethered to them.
So when they are ready to purchase again or to refer someone, they will think of you first.
Burger King used to say that you may not go out and buy their hamburger the minute you hear the ad, but when you are ready to purchase, you're more likely to think of them.
Also, remember not to bombard them with too much information too often.
If you have too many things sent to them too often, you'll detract them rather than attract them.
It takes only a second to click the "Unsubscribe" button on an email.
So use your contact with them sparingly and wisely.
If you use and practice these simple techniques you are more than likely to: • Outsell your competition • Keep your BUYING customers loyal • Get better and more referrals • Have customers seek you out for their FUTURE purchases Make this routine part of your business practice and in no time you will see improvement and retention in your sales, your traffic, and your customer loyalty.
For more information keep checking in at http://www.
com and get your hands on a copy of the book Finish What You Start at Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, or Amazon, today.