Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Male Pattern Baldness in Female

All women have some of the male hormone ‘testosterone' in their bodies.
[Testosterone is produced by the androgen hormone].
Certain women are more sensitive to the hormone.
Due to this sensitivity, the hair causes to thin all over the head.
Let me explain the process for you to have a better understanding! Basically testosterone and an enzyme [5 alpha reductase - produced by our body,] interact causing the production of DHT [dihydrotestosterone] within the hair follicle as DHT is very important for the growth of hair.
DHT causes follicles to sprout shorter, finer hairs.
In some cases DHT is not well received by the hair follicles resulting in reduced blood supply.
Thinning or balding process starts when this commences as the hair follicles are responsible for the nourishment of the hair and they also support the growth of hair.
But just as in men, it does not have to be complete hair loss.
This is seen as hair thinning predominantly over the top and front of the head.
Strangely enough, some women develop thinning patches similar to male-pattern hair loss.
It can affect many as early as teenage years.
Hair loss doesn't spare anyone male or female and female hair loss is as common as its male counterpart.
While it is common for men to suffer some form of thinning out at some point in their lives, women facing this issue are usually indicative of an illness.
It could be due to hormone imbalance or a disease or even stress.
As and always, you need to take proper medications and precautions.
Consult a dermatologist, find out the cause and take safety measures to prevent excessive hair fall.
Apart from medications you need to take care of your diet as well as diet plays an important role in promoting the hair growth.
Whether its hair loss in men or women, bottom line is that if attended at an early stage, hair loss can be arrested and reverted.

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