What is desire2truewill (e book) all about... Its about desire management
What is desire2truewill (e book) all about... Its about desire management
What is desire2truewill (e book) all about... Its about desire management
That substance known as solemnity,
That state known as immersion,
That emotion known as surrender,
That capacity known as determination,
That basis known as endurance,
When all these merge within a being, then it is said of him,
‘This human is the creator of his own destiny'.
Such human beings drag their lives towards desired direction and it is said of them that even destiny averse to their interest, release their way after its due settlement. Such beings render new streams to the world, wherever they prevail, their presence startles others through exemplary performance.
Question: All that is written above, when does it become possible, I.e., ‘that substance, that state, that emotion, that capacity, that basis when do they all find birth in a being.
Answer: Within a being either through self-initiation or accidentally awakens the energy of ‘true will'. ‘True will', the mightiest power when established within a being draws to itself all that is sought, as if a powerful magnetic tower draws to itself iron objects resultantly all situations around one eventually conclude towards favorable ends.
Question: How can one awaken and arouse the mighty power of ‘true will' within ones self and achieve ones deepest aspiration.
Answer: To enlighten one with the most appropriate answer is this book all about, ‘Desire 2 True will'.
Remember all education shall fructify its goal only when a ‘determined will' borne with solemnity, immersion, surrender, determination and endurance embarks with its endeavors to accomplish noble intent.
Most young minds are generally prone to a large constellation of countless desires drawn from various sources. All desires come in to the young mind borne with their inherent property of allurement that enables them become a settler. The price paid to afford such shelter is very high in terms of fragmentation of ones attention; it is like feeding many worms in a stomach that scarcely leaves anything that could support sustenance of the original being. Resultantly a being falls prey to many desires without any energy left for the pursuance of those purposeful desires that could turn ones life become meaningful.
To enable the young generation contemplate, envision and ascertain their goal in life and secondly motivate them to charge and embark upon its accomplishment is the core intent of the author of this book, ‘Desire 2 True will'. A young mind once ascertained with higher goals of life when renders an organization to the sphere of its ‘desires' and affords entire force to its endeavors then the path of its becoming illustrious takes form.
‘Indian ethos' is full of eternal gospels; they come to us in form of an endowment from our ancestors that were ‘seers'. They were able to develop an insight that could unravel truths that exceed limits of ‘time'. They could observe solutions for all facets of creation, of which a human is one. This book comprises references of relevant gospels mentioned with an easy manner. The book though intends to target young minds but whereas its contents cross over the segmentation of age.
The author before penned down this book had humble opportunity of directly motivating more than three hundred thousand young minds spread into various academic institutions.
This book intends that the youth power cherish their respective goals of their lives.
Dinesh kumar
( Author & Trainer in ancient wisdom called Indian Ethos )
( From our e book Desire2Truewill )
{In order for a seed to cherish its possibility to become a tree i.e. path towards becoming accomplished, it must afford itself for first initiative towards the soil with a declaration that, come what may, whatever happens , I extend my entire existence for any change, decomposition or else but my deepest desire must become accomplished. Only then, shall a possibility unleash in form of germination and the first sprout shall tear off the earth atop and sight the skies above. The seed on its journey to become a sapling has nothing to loose to wind, storm, rain and sunlight instead it must gain from all, only then shall it cherish one day as tree. No short cuts allowed. Modern sciences, through certain inputs accelerate the growth of a plant to an extent, contributing negligible to the seed that left to accomplish through its own endeavor.}
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{O, the source to a great possibility never think small. Give your self to greatness and associate with a suitable great cause. It is not possible that you do not contain higher goals. It may have been that the turbulent storm in your life dimmed burning flame within. Even it is not so that a sight of smoke does not exist within. If there is smoke, the smolder is there for certitude, dive within yourself and trace that source. Once, traced give it fresh air so that it bursts into flame and the effulgent fire comes back to its original form. O, the source to reservoir of effulgence, awaken and rise". }
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{A seed must afford its existence for a sacrifice to realize its deepest yearning of becoming a tree. During its pursuit, it totally renders itself as sacrifice to the soil and trusts the forces of Mother Nature. Below the surface of earth, it undergoes decomposition without sight of any light. It bears pain, agony and absence of result for a considerable period with great patience. During such period, it deeply holds on to complete trust upon its deep yearning, rigorous effort and Mother Nature. Then comes a moment when germination happens and a possibility tears earth crust atop itself to become ‘possible'.
With passage of time and journey, it attains its goal. Beware; a seed that change their mind from sacrifice shall never realize their possibility become possible. Friend, learn from a seed. Seek a yearning for which one would happily sacrifice. Never become a sacrifice to smaller objectives. You too bear a great prospect of possibility within. You behold a tree of excellence. Even you must realize inherent latent potential. Think, what is it that if not achieved shall leave this entire life as futile. Think, what is it if not attained despite of all other achievements shall leave this life devoid of any contentment.
This yearning is not of the kind as a longing for a beloved instead it is toward the making and realization of the true worth of this life bestowed to us by the almighty supreme. It is not so that the bonding love between two lovebirds' termed as secondary. Love between a man and a woman when followed by the general norm of the society becomes exemplary, moreover, it shall remain a relationship amongst two beings. Whereas, our mention as deep yearning corresponds to the expectation of the creator from its creation that it intends to realize through us i.e. its creation. Our reference is associated with a kind of yearning that has to fructify on a large canvas. It is about an experience where you become your yearning itself, and rest all is else.}
{In other words when the deeper sound within begins resonating in activities outside then a seeker absorbed in its melody has no consideration for paucity or pain.
Therefore, advice is to realize the truth within, act accordingly, for the act that shall trace its source within would be the right deed, and right deed bears no alternate. Dichotomy vanishes when the essence of life manifest into deeds. Dichotomy shall prevail where within and without stand distinctly apart and conflict shall sway attention with every passing moment. Friends when purity (gangotri) within colors ones conduct and deed then love, renunciation, and service shall be the only ones that survive. In absence of anything else then the ones mentioned before concludes no scope of alternates and devoid of alternates a mind is a committed mind bearing ‘true will'.}
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{When a being lives the life of ones deep yearnings, he lives it within himself I.e., amongst his own thoughts, he appears as normal to the outside world whereas in actual he is living within his own world. A different world comes into form within himself where strange happening keep happening every now and the. Such a person does not reside alone in one body instead his abode (body) is shared by some else too, namely he himself and his ‘true will'. His entire mental state is programmed with a code named ‘crazy', which does not permit any thing else to transpire within. When one grossly sways by, ones yearning all colors and style seem deformed to him. He or she burns in agony of dearth representing deep aspiration they behold. Such lovers cannot be dissuaded with any reason except what they are longing for i.e. their deepest yearning…engulfed in a strange positive fanaticism they endeavor to the highest level.
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One must be cautious that our subject here remains desire, true will, and true courage for righteousness. Every single word that finds a mention here dips in the divine sentiment and anything other to it shall not stand as our intent .Therefore positive ness and no negativity is the essence behind every single word mentioned in this book. We resolve this perception in witness to divine who is truth, shiva, and beauty …who is embodiment of love, sympathy and development.}
Find the e book at www.desire2will.com.