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Top 10 Imaginary Celebrity New Year"s Resolutions for 2007

Let's be honest - New Year's resolutions for Hollywood celebrities (and the rest of us) are basically meant to be broken. In the spirit of the holidays, I thought I'd compile a fun little imaginary list of my own.

Britney Spears:

  • Make better choices than K-Fed when it comes to men.
  • Wear underwear on a daily basis, especially underneath dresses in public.
  • Find healthier girlfriends to spend time with other than Lindsay and Paris.

    Tom Cruise:

  • Finally admit that keeping baby Suri under wraps for so long was mildly suspicious.
  • Stop trying to convert friends, co-stars, and exes to the Church of Scientology.
  • Keep feet firmly planted on the ground and not on Oprah Winfrey's couch.

    Nicole Richie:

  • Eat something.
  • Eat something.
  • Eat something.

    Jude Law:

  • Only hire male nannies to watch the children.
  • Do not get back together with Sienna Miller for the twentieth time.
  • Find a woman to date with less of a penchant for shacking up with co-stars.

    Paris Hilton:

  • Get a real job other than just being a party girl.
  • Stop pretending to be a born-again virgin who plans to swear off sex for a year.
  • Lose the catch phrase, "That’s Hot" since we’re all sick of hearing it by now.

    Angelina Jolie:

  • Adopt a couple more kids and pray that Brad Pitt continues to stick around.
  • Make peace with all of the women left in the dust starting with Jennifer Aniston.
  • Hope that gay marriage is legalized so that Brad won’t have any excuses not to get married.

    Paul McCartney:

  • Perform thorough background checks on all future girlfriends.

  • Start work on new album to increase cash flow.
  • Prepare an iron clad pre-nup to protect $1.5 billion empire from next wife.

    Nick Lachey:

  • Cut back on the addiction to spray tanning.
  • Expand wardrobe beyond jeans and white undershirts.
  • Admit that more notoriety came from The Newlyweds than from years spent with 98 Degrees.

    Kevin Federline:

  • Buy condoms in bulk and actually use them.
  • Stop wearing white ribbed tank tops and hire a new wardrobe stylist.
  • Get a real job other than just being Britney's ex-husband.

    Tara Reid:

  • Get a new agent.
  • Cut back on the vampy black eyeliner.
  • Find a new plastic surgeon, preferably one with a license to practice medicine in the US.

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