Develop the Mindset of a Champion
Why do some people succeed in large ways and others don't? More specifically, in network marketing, why do some people seem to have all the answers and others make little progress...
People achieve BIG results because they win in their mind first.
Henry Ford referred to this when he said: "think you can or think you can't, either way you will be right.
" Here are some top tips in building your champion's mindset: Strong Why? (Purpose/Reason) People only do what they are passionate about.
You must define your purpose and reason for doing this business.
Every great accomplishment is achieved when backed by a strong reason or purpose that brings passion to the person and a strong desire to succeed.
Dreaming is something that many of us have lost as we've grown older.
The question is: Who ever told you to stop dreaming? Why do you want to succeed? You want money? Why? You want Freedom? Why? Is it because you want to spend more time with your kids? How about paying off the debt that continues to accumulate? Determine your Why, Your Dream- Write it down.
Read it often.
Big Belief and Goals You will only build your business to the level you believe it will grow.
Remember what Henry Ford said.
Believe and know that you can and will achieve it.
I personally have a 2 by 3 goal: this stands for 2 commas in 3 years.
Why not? I believe that it will easily happen.
Afterward, I'll set a new goal.
Set big goals but keep things realistic as well.
Remember that big steps start with little ones.
Everyone wants to make a million dollars.
Believe that you can and will, but it won't happen over night.
Set your BAG (Big Audacious Goal) and then small daily, weekly, and monthly milestones that will help you record your progress and provide victory moments as you work towards your dream.
Write this down too.
Strength & Confidence Always lead with strength and confidence.
People will happily line up to tell you that you will not succeed in this business.
Others are looking for you to show them the way.
Regardless of your current position, you have to lead with strength and confidence.
Once again, it's winning in the mind first that helps you lead in this area.
DO NOT listen to others that won't support you.
You are the keeper of your confidence.
Don't join the gym and then get discouraged because you didn't loose weight right away.
Don't blame the club when you have a bad day golfing.
You are in control of your decisions and nothing can change that.
Become bullet-proof to these negative thoughts.
On bad days tell yourself that you're just living the dream.
Have a coach/mentor To wrap things up: To Earn More, You must Become More.
Always remain teachable and coachable.
The great thing about this business is that there are people within your company that have a deep desire to see you succeed.
Listen and Learn from them.
John Maxwell says: Leaders are learners; the moment you stop learning is the moment you stop leading.
People achieve BIG results because they win in their mind first.
Henry Ford referred to this when he said: "think you can or think you can't, either way you will be right.
" Here are some top tips in building your champion's mindset: Strong Why? (Purpose/Reason) People only do what they are passionate about.
You must define your purpose and reason for doing this business.
Every great accomplishment is achieved when backed by a strong reason or purpose that brings passion to the person and a strong desire to succeed.
Dreaming is something that many of us have lost as we've grown older.
The question is: Who ever told you to stop dreaming? Why do you want to succeed? You want money? Why? You want Freedom? Why? Is it because you want to spend more time with your kids? How about paying off the debt that continues to accumulate? Determine your Why, Your Dream- Write it down.
Read it often.
Big Belief and Goals You will only build your business to the level you believe it will grow.
Remember what Henry Ford said.
Believe and know that you can and will achieve it.
I personally have a 2 by 3 goal: this stands for 2 commas in 3 years.
Why not? I believe that it will easily happen.
Afterward, I'll set a new goal.
Set big goals but keep things realistic as well.
Remember that big steps start with little ones.
Everyone wants to make a million dollars.
Believe that you can and will, but it won't happen over night.
Set your BAG (Big Audacious Goal) and then small daily, weekly, and monthly milestones that will help you record your progress and provide victory moments as you work towards your dream.
Write this down too.
Strength & Confidence Always lead with strength and confidence.
People will happily line up to tell you that you will not succeed in this business.
Others are looking for you to show them the way.
Regardless of your current position, you have to lead with strength and confidence.
Once again, it's winning in the mind first that helps you lead in this area.
DO NOT listen to others that won't support you.
You are the keeper of your confidence.
Don't join the gym and then get discouraged because you didn't loose weight right away.
Don't blame the club when you have a bad day golfing.
You are in control of your decisions and nothing can change that.
Become bullet-proof to these negative thoughts.
On bad days tell yourself that you're just living the dream.
Have a coach/mentor To wrap things up: To Earn More, You must Become More.
Always remain teachable and coachable.
The great thing about this business is that there are people within your company that have a deep desire to see you succeed.
Listen and Learn from them.
John Maxwell says: Leaders are learners; the moment you stop learning is the moment you stop leading.