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Pick Up the Hottest Girls on Facebook in 4 Easy Steps

Every guy is dreaming of seducing his hot girlfriends, or friends of his girlfriends - or just random hotties, via Facebook. It's a luxury. You can sit at home, in your pajamas, without having to spend money on expensive clubbing nights etc. and pick up incredibly hot girls while chilling in front of your laptop. The only problem is that most guys get either completely ignored or reject, directly or indirectly. This has to come to an end. What are the guys that are getting dates with Facebook girls every single day doing? After studying them a bit, and testing a lot of different strategies, we can agree on a simle method. Here is how it goes.

1. Create an attractive profile to get her attracted. An attractive profile basically gets her interested in you, lures her in and makes her want to find out more about you. That's why whenever you do something on Facebook (write a new status, upload a picture/video) think about what it conveys. Women scan your profile in a matter of seconds and decide whether they are interested or not. So, what do you want to convey? You want to convey that you have style, a sense of humour, a good taste in music, that you are a social guy and that other women desire you. That's mostly what you can convey by using your profile alone (e.g. before you interact at all).

2. Once she sees that you are interesting and she potentially wants to find out more about you, she'll usually think that you'll react just like every other guy. Send her a message, poke her, like something etc. Instead of being generic, be different. Don't attack her immediately by asking for her number. That's lame. You don't know whether she is interested until she conveys it. So look for clues. You can test her by moving one step forward, one step backwards - until you seduce her. Guys that get the girls on Facebook are the one's that are good at figuring out whether a girl is interested in them or not.

3. You start interacting with a few "likes", and check out how she reacts. If she returns the "like", you know that you've got her hooked. That's the first step. After a couple more of these signals, you know that the door is open. And your chances of getting rejected are already brought to a minimum. You start chatting, and using other streams of communication on Facebook, you get her hooked even further and then build some trust with her. It's not so easy for a girl to go out on a date with a complete stranger - that's why you warm her up a bit.

4. You don't ask her to go out with you until you see that she is ready. It's even better if you let her give you a small signal that she's up for it. This way there is absolutely no chance for you to get rejected or ingored in any way - on the contrary - succeding with her will only bring you more success with other women in the future, since somewhere on your profile there will be a mark.

This is how a successful seduction on Facebook usually works. As long as you arm yourself with the right information, you have nothing to fear.


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