Family & Relationships Conflict

The 3 Common Mistakes Made After a Breakup

When you are going through a breakup, the feelings associated with it can be quite dramatic.
Your mind thinks to all the things that happened and all you want to do are to win your ex back and fix the relationship.
However, there are three mistakes you need to avoid making during the initial breakup period.
Heartbroken people typically do several things without realizing that they are doing it, tarnishing their chances at winning their ex back.
However, there are three things that really ruin a chance at getting your ex back when all you want to do is get them back.
Here are what you need to avoid to win back your ex: the pity party, drunk dialing and text message terrorism.
Relationship Makeup Mistake Number (1) - The Pity Party What is a pity party? It's pretty self explanatory actually.
This happens when a person who was dumped lets themselves go, emotionally and physically.
They refuse to deal with life and refuses to do anything fun.
They would rather sit on the couch and watch television all day long, perhaps crying that they lost their significant other.
How can you stop or reduce the chances of a pity party? You need to still live life like you did before the relationship started.
If you stay in this frame of mind, you only hurt yourself.
Relationship Makeup Mistake Number (2) - Drunk Dialing How does drunk dialing begin? First, you start to drink to dull the pain of the breakup.
Then, you drink far beyond your normal levels and before you know it, you're drunk.
Then, you decide to call your ex.
Now you need to know that alcohol and pain are never a good combination so what you say can be very bad.
You decide to make the phone call and tell him or her how much you love them, how you can't live without them and how you wish they would give you a second chance.
As soon as you leave the message or sober up, you realize that leaving that message was the worst thing you could have done.
Relationship Makeup Mistake Number (3) - Text Message Terrorism Text Message Terrorism is quite similar to drunk dialing.
Yet, you can't excuse the behavior on alcohol because you are usually sober when you do this.
What is it? It's when you overwhelm their phones and e-mails, begging them for another chance.
You may think that this helps you but it only hinders your chances or getting them back.
You don't have to worry should you have succumbed to one or two of these breakup mistakes.
If you want to win your ex back, you need to immediately stop what you are doing and come up with a plan that can help you do this.

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