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How Not to Smear Oil Paints While Painting

    Where to Start Painting

    • When you begin painting with oil on canvas, start painting in the upper corner that is opposite your dominant hand, or your painting hand. If you are right-handed, begin painting in the upper left corner of the canvas and if you are left-handed, begin painting in the upper right. Although this may not seem like an intuitive way to paint, you are far less likely to rub the back of your hand across the painting when working, thus you will avoid smearing the paint.


    • Some artists feel more comfortable painting on a flat table surface than an easel; however, there is much more likelihood of smearing the oil paints this way. By standing in front of an easel, you will have more balance and coordination and it's easier to keep your paintbrush at the correct angle, thus reducing the risk of smearing your paints. Place your canvas on a sturdy easel to paint and place the easel in a safe area free from traffic.

    Thinning Medium

    • One of the best defenses against smearing oil paints while working is to obtain a faster drying time. Oil paints have a slow drying time, so by adding thinning medium such as linseed oil to oil paints, the thinner oil paint will dry quicker. You can mix the thinning medium into the paints on the paint palette according to the bottle instructions. Another option for faster drying is to brush your oil paints on in thinner layers, rather than brushing one thick layer at a time. Thinner layers of oil paint will dry faster, making it less likely you will smudge the painting.

    Drying Spray

    • Another option for decreasing the amount of time oil paints take to dry is by using a drying spray. Spray a light layer of the specialty sealer between layers of paint and each layer will dry quicker. The drying sprays do not alter the appearance of your oil painting, will not create a yellowing effect and will add a layer of protection as well. Spray your piece once you have finished for the day and return the next day to a tacky, rather than wet, piece. This will offer more assurance against smearing the paints upon returning to work.

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