Home & Garden Home Appliances

Light Globe Types

    Incandescent Light Globes

    • Incandescent light globes work by heat-driven light emissions, and are the standard light globes used in household lamps, traditional ceiling lights, car headlights and flashlights. These globes range from 1.5 volts to 300 volts and come in different shapes and sizes; they also can be dimmed. The heat that is generated from incandescent globes also makes them suitable as heat lights in reptile tanks. The incandescent light globes are cheap to buy but are not energy efficient, as they only last 1000 hours and their light-production-to-energy-use ratio is less than ideal.

    Halogen Globes

    • Halogens are also incandescent globes, but sealed within the globe is gas and tungsten fiber, with a small amount of halogen. The fiber and the halogen react to produce a hotter and brighter white light than the standard incandescent light globe, and this prevents the globe from becoming coated like standard incandescent light globes. A halogen globe is more energy efficient, and is used in down lighting, for accent lighting and to highlight features within a house. These lights need to be fitted into the required setting by either an electrician or a professional handyman.

    Fluorescent Globes

    • Fluorescent globes convert electrical power into useful light more efficiently than the incandescent globe and they are used as an energy-saving alternative in households. These globes produce less heat and the light that they emit is brighter than standard globes as well. Their stark light output makes them somewhat unsuitable for living areas, family rooms or dining areas. Fluorescent globes are more suitable for the workplace or for the hallways and kitchen within the home. Modern fluorescent lights are available in different sizes, shapes and colors, or as compact lights.


    • A LED light is a light emitting diode---a semiconductor that has photons (light) as a product of electron reactions within the conductor. LED lights are becoming more popular because of their increased efficiency, robustness and lower energy consumption. LED lights typically utilize reflective surfaces within the globe to direct and multiply the light produced by the LEDs.

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