Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Thrombosed External Hemorrhoid - Why You Must Understand The Dangers

Hemorrhoids can hurt, this we know. When we, or a person we know is in discomfort, we'll take quick action to remedy the problem. However, while people are oblivious of the problem they have, the emotional consequences can cause big issues. Desparation can grip people who are displaying the symptoms of hemorrhoids but not in enough pain to take action and see a doctor.

Let me explain to you today, the thrombosed external hemorrhoid.

Essentially, they are blood clots of the varicose vein and can, after a time, become very afflictive. Take action early on and you won't bear as much.

In case you're in a scenario where you are not sure whether you have haemorrhoids, the common sensations experienced are: An urge to scratch, an inability to use the toilet (constipation), and the feeling of fire on your skin. But it's important to explain that hemorrhoids don't usually hurt at the beginning of the infection If you do start experiencing a lot of discomfort then there is a good chance that you have a blood clot.

"Whenever you're in a state of uncertainty, call your physician"

Don't be alarmed if this is you. Just call your doctor and arrange an appointment, ideally within 48 hours because the condition (and pain) will escalate beyond that point in time. Do this, and you'll recover from hemorrhoids in no time. Then I invite you to explore the other writings on my website to discover tactics that ensure you remain healthy there-on.

How to fix a thrombosed external hemorrhoid

Beneath here I have created for you, a table outlining the most common ways to cure the severe case of thrombosis.

Remedy/ Further

Rubber Band Litigation: Over the period of 2/ 3 weeks the flow of blood to the hemorrhoidal section of the vein is stopped, resulting in shrinkage of the hemorrhoid.

Sclerotherapy: The injection of an agent into the hemorrhoid prevents bloodflow resulting, as previously, in shrinkage.

Cryotherapy: Once again the goal here is to stop bloodflow through the vein and cure the hemorrhoid. With this approach the hemorrhoid is effectively frozen to death (usually with liquid nitrogen). The purpose is to destroy unnatural or harmful tissue.

Infrared coagulation: With contemporary advancements in medical science infrared light has become more widespread. Intense heat created from electric current burns the hemorrhoid causing scar tissue, which stops blood flow and allows healing to take place.

Hemorrhoidectomy: This is the most drastic solution for hemorrhoids. It should really only be considered if your doctor thinks your condition is serious enough.

Avoiding Thrombosis


Diet, diet, diet. So crucial is diet, that if you ignore it, it's not possible to be healthy (and happy!) Of course, your diet is even more important if you are having a difficult time with piles.

"Many people suffer with hemorrhoids simply because they don't eat enough fiber"

Get in the habit of eating a highly fibrous diet. Underneath, I have listed 20 fruits and vegetables that will get you started on the track to great health, and free of hemorrhoids. Buy atleast 5 of these foods next time you go food shopping, you won't regret it:


-- Avocado

-- Peppers

-- Broccoli

-- Brussels sprouts

-- Green Peas

-- Carrots

-- Lima Beans

-- Green beans

-- Spinach

-- Mushrooms


-- Apples

-- Avocado

-- Bananas

-- Pears

-- Dates

-- Blackberries

-- Prunes

-- Oranges

-- Guava

-- Kiwi Fruit


Yes, exercise isn't necessarily fun, it's very true. A myriad of people see it as a painful 'exercise' in discomfort. We see pictures of long distance jogging and the horrendous gym apparatus. But, it needn't be a nightmare.

The key is to identify physical activities that you enjoy for what they are, and totally forget about the whole concept of 'exercise'. Let it be the side effect of doing what you enjoy. If you enjoy watching tv condition yourself to ONLY be entitled to watch tv if you are working out.

That example is especially powerful because over time you will begin to associate exercise to watching the tv - this lazy past time becomes the incentive to staying healthy!

If you lead a very sedentary lifestyle and you stay in the same position a lot of the time it may also be a positive change to work in short periods of work. There are two important benefits here. To begin with, you want your bloodflow to stay regular, and secondly it helps your focus immensely.

Many experiments have found that people can only focus at a high level for 40 - 45 minutes maximum. Over the years I have refined my own approach to productivity and at the moment I work for a period of 45 minutes, followed by a 15 break for exercise of some kind. It may be a jog, a drink or even just pacing up and down the house.

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