Family & Relationships Conflict

You Found The Love Of Your Life And Then You Lost Him - How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

During your growing up years, from the time you were a little girl until today, you always dreamed of finding your prince charming and living happily ever after. Well, you found the man of your dreams and you were happy until today, when your prince charming told you that he needed a break from the relationship. Now you are faced with the fact that you found the love of your life and then you lost him. All your thoughts have turned to how to get your ex boyfriend back. You now realize that the romantic ideas you have had since childhood did not include the part about what to do after you have lost your love.

Not being prepared for disasters do not keep them from happening. True love does not come without heartaches and it never runs smooth. Although your dreams have not prepared you for this day, do not lose hope of getting your ex back. Breakups are like the flu bug, they are always floating around and sooner or later you are bound to be hit. It is how you handle the problem that will show your ex what you are made of.

Remaining strong and showing your man that you are mature enough to respect his desire for space and time to think will largely effect his desire for you. On the other hand, if you show you are weak and desperate, he will feel vindicated in breaking up with you. The biggest mistake you can make at this time is to assume the role of the pursuer. You cannot force him to love you and want you again. Instead, you need to show him his mistake in throwing away the best thing to ever happen to him.

Think back to the beginning of your relationship and the independent, carefree woman you were at that time. Next, look at the woman you are now. How have you changed? Did you get too blinded by love to see the changes occurring in yourself? It is easy when you love someone to forget yourself and become so wrapped up in pleasing them that you smother them. They begin to take you for granted and you lose your desirability.

If this is the case, to get your ex boyfriend back you need to become the independent and carefree woman he fell in love with. Get back to doing the things you enjoyed before you met him. Reconnect with your family and friends. Show him that you have accepted the breakup and are moving on with your life. He will notice this and it will spark his desire for you again. Just be sure that you never let your life center around him again. He may be the love of your life, but he is not your whole life.

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