Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Are you wondering how to win your ex boyfriend back? The differences between men and women make sustaining a relationship tricky at best.
Now he's decided he doesn't want to be a couple anymore.
You want to get the relationship going again.
You don't want to make any wrong moves, though and drive him away for good.
What can you do to get an ex boyfriend back? Easy Tips On How To Win Your Ex Boyfriend Back
  • Play it cool when you see him.
    Be nice, but don't act like you've been waiting to see him all day.
    (even if you have) Do both of you a favor and don't start chasing him around like a love-starved pup.
    When you are chasing him around all the time, he will either get an ego as big as Texas or want to stay far away from you.
    Either way, you look like an idiot, so just don't go there.
  • Always look your best.
    Why should he want you back if you are always hanging out in sweats, a stained up t-shirt, and your hair is a wreck? You aren't just trying to look nice for him anyways.
    You should want to look good for yourself, too.
    When he sees you having fun and looking good, he will remember what he had.
    Men always want what they can't have.
    Don't know why that is, but that seems to be the case.
  • No matter how miserable you are, pretend like you are happy and doing just fine without him.
    This will drive him crazy because he will wonder if you're seeing someone else.
    It's good for him to wonder about it because that means he is at least thinking of you.
    A nice side effect of this for you is that while you are pretending to have fun, you may just find yourself actually enjoying life again.
    So no sitting around the house moping!
  • Be yourself.
    Remember what he liked about you when you first met? Remind him by your actions that you are still that person.
    Trying to be something you aren't won't work anyway and he probably won't be impressed.
    Over time being yourself may actually make him miss having you around all the time.
  • Stay calm and collected when he's around.
    Don't get nervous and act like a huge idiot in front of him.
    Men seem to like an air of mystery, so don't blab on and on about every little thing that's going on in your life right now.
    It's a good idea to leave him wondering just a little bit.
  • Use this time apart to work on yourself.
    Do you have a hobby or interest you always wanted to pursue? Do something with it now.
    A new interest will be stimulating for you and give you something to look forward to.
    Who knows you might even meet some new friends! You can't have too many friends, you know.
These tips are just one side of how to win your ex boyfriend back.
The other side is the things you definitely shouldn't do.
If you want to get back with an ex boyfriend you must avoid:
  • Appearing desperate and clingy.
    The worst thing you can do is chase after him.
    All that will do is put him on an ego trip, remember?
  • Don't start drinking to excess or getting drugged out.
    This isn't a solution to anything.
  • Avoid sleeping with his best friend or family members because he hurt you.
    This will pretty much guarantee you won't be getting back together.
  • No spying on your ex or otherwise obsessing over him in your free time.
  • No constant phone calls or text messages.
    Don't harass your ex or make them angry.
  • Show that you respect their decision to break up.
    This doesn't mean you necessarily agree with the decision, but it does show you respect them as a person.
  • Avoid over-stepping the boundaries of your new relationship.
    You are a friend now, so don't keep acting like a girlfriend.
    No touching, kissing, sexual play, or massages are allowed, so keep things light.
  • Let him know in a subtle way that you also expect him to respect you and not treat you like a doormat.
  • Show him by your actions and attitude that you still have faith in the relationship.
    The fact that you are patiently waiting and giving him some time and space will not go unnoticed.
    Have faith that if the relationship was really meant to be, you will win your ex boyfriend back at some point in time.
By nature, men are usually more competitive than women are.
This isn't necessarily a bad trait.
The urge to compete often lets people achieve things they didn't think they could.
So let's use this natural bent for competition to our advantage when getting ex boyfriend back.
Men seem to have an instinct and drive to compete with other males and show their dominance over them.
While women are driven by their emotions, men are definitely more visual.
When they see a woman looking nice, they are GONNA notice.
They have to! How can we use this bit of information to our advantage and get an ex boyfriend back? The important thing to remember is appearances count! Girls, if you want your man back, you need to make sure that when you go out, you look GOOD! When you step up your appearance it's going to be scoring points with your ex like crazy, even if he acts like he doesn't notice.
There are two other great things that are going to happen here: The first thing is that when he notices, other guys are noticing too.
You better believe they are going to say something to your ex about how good you look.
His mind is going to subconsciously start wanting to win you back before one of these other guys puts the moves on you.
He won't be able to avoid the competition.
Don't underestimate the power of the subconscious mind! The second great thing about you stepping up your appearance a notch or two is that when the guys start noticing, it's going to make you feel great.
When you know you got that hot, sexy look going on you are going to be giving off self-confidence like no other.
And your ex is going to notice it, too.
Most of the time I don't know why men do what they do.
Getting your ex boyfriend back may be easy, hard, or just impossible.
A lot is going to depend on why you guys broke up and what you did right afterwards.
If you spent all your time working on the DON'T list, it is going to be harder for you to get an ex boyfriend back.
Sometimes, no matter what you do, it isn't going to be possible to win your ex boyfriend back.
This does happen on occasion.
The important thing to remember here is that you are now a much stronger and happier person anyway.
Learn to be happy with who you are and what you have in your life now.
After all, if you've found that you really don't need him to be happy, what have you lost?

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