Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Best Diet During Pregnancy Wtihout The Pounds

If you really want to have a healthy baby you will want to have the best diet during pregnancy because this will not only ensure the health of your baby but also keep you from gaining unwanted pounds or adding extra fat.
While you should eat more during pregnancy (an extra 200-300 calories per day) you want to be certain that you are eating the right foods to give yourself the extra energy it takes to grow a baby. You do realize that you are actually growing a brand new little person, right?
Often pregnant women experience a lot of nausea and don't feel well at all in the first 12 weeks or so of becoming pregnant. Some may even get violently ill while others seem to float through with any symptoms whatsoever. This really does usually pass after the 3rd month so hang in there.
Remember, you still need to get as much nutrition as you can so taking your prenatal vitamins is also essential at this time.
Here are a few tips for the best diet during pregnancy:
Make sure that you are eating a wide varitey of foods. Fruits and vegetable are vital at this time but keep the sugars at a minimum. Wholegrains are also important as well as making certain to eat lots of proteins such as fish and poultry. Nuts and eggs are another good source of protein but I recommend keeping these at a minimum also.
High fiber foods are great for keeping your energy in balance too. Be sure to include some pasta dishes and maybe have some rice with your fish dinner on Friday night. I would also recommend that you try to have broiled or baked fish rather than deep fried because you will want to limit (not eliminate) the amount of fat that you are taking in.
Drinking milk or other calcium rich foods such as cheese, yogurt and buttermilk will help to ensure that you get the recommended amounts of calcium and while this is always important it is especially so now because you want your baby to have strong bones and teeth. Yes, the calcium and vitamins you take now will make a big difference when your baby starts to develop teeth several months after birth.
Prenatal vitamins almost always contain extra iron and while this is probably enough for most women during pregnancy, you may want to include at least one to two servings of foods rich in iron such as liver, beans, or enriched pastas.
I can't stress how important it is to make certain that you are consuming at least 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables because these contain several types of vitamins and minerals which will help to keep you going during your pregnancy.
Dark green vegetables such as spinach or even enriched tortillas are the best and they are also a great source of folic acid which is another seriously essential vitamin because it can help to prevent spine and brain defects, also known as neural tube defects. These are absolutely essential in that during pregnancy your baby will take it's folates from you and can cause you to become deficient in folic acids.
You should be getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need if you follow these guidelines for the best diet during pregnancy. Also, be sure to see your doctor regularly because you want to stay healthy during pregnancy and of course you will be thrilled when you have a happy, bouncing, screaming, wonderfully beautiful baby boy or girl.
I hope this helped you to figure out the best diet during pregnancy and if you want more information on how to stay healthy during pregnancy make sure you visit the links below.

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